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Starseed: Are You Ready to Officially Acknowledge Your Authentic Self?

By October 10, 2018January 17th, 2020Solaris Essay, Starseed Journey

Galaxy, incarnated extraterrestrials, starseed, disclosure, awakening, ascension, starseed awakening, starseed journey, galactic, interdimensional, remember, love, hope, inspiration, spiritual, meditation, motivation, authenticity, authentic self, self expression, human empowerment, embodied soul, embody your soul

How do we be our authentic self and express the gifts we bring?

The Bridge to the Holy Grail

Do you remember the character of Indiana Jones, from the same movie, as he looks down at a deep chasm, knowing there must be a bridge to the cliff wall across from him, in which the Holy Grail resides?

I love that critical moment in the movie, where Indian Jones has a stunning realization. It occurs to him that if the grail is within the cave, it follows that there is a path for him to follow. All he has to do is to find it.

Knowing where the path is, is an intuitive feeling; it’s his best guess, his gut tells him this is so. He suddenly realizes that the path is right in front of him – he just cannot see it from the vantage point, where he is, at the moment.

All he has to do is take that first step.

As he looks down, he knows that if he is wrong, he will fall into the chasm. But the image of falling into the chasm is an illusion if his intuitive knowing is right. In the moment, the illusion looks much more real than the real path his heart knows he will follow.

He makes a choice; to follow his inner knowing. He makes a decision, and steps, seemingly blindy, out over the chasm, knowing there is an unseen bridge below. Knowing that the path is there.

And with a start, he lands on a bridge that is revealed, but for a moment. As he continues to stand on it, the only part of the bridge that shows is what is right under his feet, right now. With each step, he moves from tentative foot falls to fully confident jumps as he crosses the chasm safely, and enters the cave of the Holy Grail.

Are You Ready to Officially Acknowledge Your Authentic Self?

Your authentic self matters. Your qualities are needed in the world.

Starseed, you have done the work to make an inner connection. You’ve worked hard to uncover your true and authentic self. You found that place within, that bridges to the next dimension, that bridges to the essence of who you really are, that bridges to your Higher Self, or Soul.

You’ve reconnected with star family and you’ve got information to share that is beyond any one else’s knowing.

Yes we all draw from a library of universal truths; but we each add our own unique interpretation.

With all of the Souls incarnated on this planet, participating in the ascension and expansion of human consciousness at this time, every one of you is needed to be who you are meant to be, in the way you are guided to do so.

You have held the knowing. You have embodied the desire for the truth to become known.

Some of you will be guided to share who you are, authentically, with others. When you feel safe to share who you are, and to share your experiences, I believe that what you will find is excitement and that people will want to hear your story.

I believe that you will find resonant experiences and resonant audiences.

You may be as surprised as me to find the senior financial executive, the bank founder, the waitress you know, the book editor, the IT specialist, the yoga instructor, the sound technician, the maintenance man, the solar panel guy and so many more have experiences like you have had.

As a starseed, you have already had the practice of trusting what you have always known to be true. You have walked your path, feeling your way through inner guidance. You have jumped and landed.

You walked the bridge no one else could see.

You are needed.

You can teach others.

You’ve been brave, and you’ve kept the faith.

Are you ready to shine?

Love, Solaris


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© 2020 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Original publish date is October 5, 2018. This article was originally published at

Images free license from by Quinten De Graaf.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.