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Shutdown of Solar Observatories and the Use of the UFO Narrative

By September 17, 2018June 7th, 2019Analysis, Commentary, News

This article addresses the observations that UFOs were the reason that some solar observatories were taken offline by the FBI in September 2018.

Shutdown of the Solar Observatories

During this week when the solar observatories were shut down, talk of ‘aliens’ was in the forefront once again. 

Here is just one of many examples: Solar Observatory Shutdown: Huge ‘UFO Captured on Sun Feed’ Before FBI Closure’. By the way, Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers nicely countered this story line in this video: THEY ARE HIDING THE SUN!

One of the key lines of thinking was that there were large ships seen next to the Sun, and that this had to be kept quiet.

UFOs Near the Sun – Photographed That There, Video’d That Too

If you have been following this field for any length of time, you know that there are always UFOs being experienced in our skies and even yes, by the Sun. These periodically show up on satellite feeds and are periodically photographed by amateurs, also.

You can go to my blog and find photographs and videos of them – taken during the day – flying around up there. 

In my view some number of these are either evidence of secret space program assets or they are galactic-type lightship orbs / UFOs. 

Many, many people photograph these and have videos of these on YouTube. Check them out and then use your own inner guidance and personal discernment to determine what is real, for you, and to develop your own opinion.

Ask yourself this question: WHY is this information about the possibility of UFOs by the sun making the news so big now, and in major media? 

Simply put, in general, UFOs written about in the major mass media tends to used be a distraction from some other news, rather than an honestly intended look at the subject.

What is the Underlying Driver that is Creating Change?

Whether it is that the observatories had been infiltrated by Chinese spying – a national security concern, or are somehow related to the sudden weakening of Hurricane Florence, or events going on in testimonies being taken in Washington DC, or for some other reason, it may be a long time before we know the real reasons for the solar observatories shutdown.

But, I highly doubt that this is the time that the mass media is going to come clean with some sort of UFO ‘disclosure’. There are too many events at play and too great a need for the losing players – i.e., the Deep State – to distract from what the people of the United States are experiencing, right now. 

That is; a great potential shift of power away from globalism that has been killing this country’s economy and spirit, back towards a re-centering within ourselves, and a retreat in strength to rebuild this nation, it’s capabilities and resources. 

This is the big news, folks. 

And in my view, as an author of articles about UFOs, spirituality and consciousness, this is truly some of the most important information to bring forward, right here, right now.  

Eventually, I feel that this shift back to national sovereignty and away from the concept of centralized global rule is going to benefit those who want the truth about advanced technologies to come out. One exciting potential mechanism for these revelations is the US Space Force.

You won’t hear it in the mass media, but you will hear it in all of the voices of citizen journalists popping up on the Internet and all across the country. 

Love, Solaris

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Research Notes and Links:

Solar Observatory Shutdown: Huge ‘UFO Captured on Sun Feed’ Before FBI Closure’: DailyStar – UK article detailing a possibly UFO eclipses the Sun.

THEY ARE HIDING THE SUN! Video by Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers showing how the Sun is still visible to observatories and anyone else using many other means. 

photographs and videos of them: Photographs and videos on my blog of shots of UFOs seemingly flying past the sun, or flying through the atmosphere crossing past the view of the sun.

infiltrated by Chinese spying: YouTube video by JonXArmy, “I know why the FBI closed the National Solar Observatory!”, September 12, 2018 

shift of power away from globalism: The Weekly Wrap Up by Greg Hunter Featuring Guest Catherine Austin Fitts, September 15, 2018

you will hear it:  Excerpt of Speech by General Michael Flynn at the Young Americans for Freedom on the digital citizens ‘army’ (and especially the QArmy), September 17, 2018.


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© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. This article was originally published at

Photograph free license from by Joshua Earle.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.