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Locating Bright Orb Lights and a Sky Portal

UFO, orbs, disclosure, lightship, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Doing Sleuth Work, Because I Want to Know What’s Up There

Recently a lightship UFO flashed me, and I have been sleuthing through the still photographs from the video, carefully reviewing them and editing the lighting to attempt to ascertain the shape of the lightship UFO.

In this article, I will take you through the story of what I found in the sky and why I feel it was there.

In addition, I created a short 11 minute video about this experience.

With light so prominent in this experience – the flash came and went in an oval burst of light, it has been difficult to see past the brightness to get a feel for the shape of the craft.

As I write this I wonder if shape is relevant at all. Is it the light flash and the high frequencies emitting from this ‘craft’ what is most important, somehow? Is that why it has been so hard to find it? But as a human being, with physical eyes and senses, d*mmit I want to see what this thing looks like! Lol.

The Big Reveal

The lightship UFO finally obliged me,  This nagging question of ‘what does it look like’ has been burning in me since I took the photograph. And I finally figured out how to turn all of the lighting down and the color off in the photograph.

This is why the sky is dark in the photograph. Thankfully, the sun was directly behind me so I was able to turn the light fully down.)  You can still see the stream of high frequency light energy that swaths across the sky.

And you can see the orbs.

What the Sky Looked Like With the Naked Eye

This is what the sky looked like, below. There was a glow in the middle of this cloud bank, and it was unusually bright. I grabbed my camera, and focused in on this spot.

I knew this area held a lightship, because all the indicators were there, and was rewarded with a flash that I caught on video.

What is So Interesting About this Area in the Sky?

I decided to edit the lighting and color in the video to see if I could uncover what was under that glowy area. I was hoping to find the distinct shape of a vessel.

After a couple attempts to discover the shape of the object, I came up with this view of the flash area.UFO, Disclosure, Secret Space Program, Lightship, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

You can see that I turned up the blue in the sky hoping to reveal light against the background, but that did nothing to clarify the lightship shape very well.

As I scanned the photograph after editing the lighting and searching the sky, I hadn’t determined the shape of the lightship.  To my surprise, I did find a second craft, which I believe is a Secret Space Program UFO.

It is in the upper left of this photograph with blue highlights. I wrote about this object and reviewed the evidence that this is a Secret Space Program ship in my article and video, Secret Space Program Craft Shows Up in My Photo.

It appears that this vessel was scanning the sky too, and also found this spot in the sky worth observing.

Turn Down the Light! Lol

It was exciting to find this second UFO.  Clearly, something very interesting was happening in this part of the sky that day.

And I found the secret recipe to reveal the UFOs. By turning down the light in the sky, which caused the sky to go blackish, and adjusting some other lighting features, finally a shape appeared that was recognizable.

There appeared to be at least two orbs in the center of the glowy oval of light in the sky, and perhaps a couple more.

The photo below is at full size so that you can better see the donut shape below the two brightest orbs. You will have to allow the eyes to ‘shift’ to see it – kind of like when you looked at those photos of mosaics as a child, trying to let the image ‘pop’.

UFO, orbs, disclosure, lightship, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, portal, sky portal

As a visual aid, I have indicated the orbs in golden bubbles and the ‘doughnut’ shape with concentric circles, below.

Evidence of a Sky Portal

What I have hypothesized is that this doughnut shape is a sky portal. It created a flash of light when it opened, and the UFO orbs flew through it. Very exciting!!

What I feel is that there are pockets of frequency in our skies, just like there are trade winds in the air and currents in the ocean. My photographs seem to indicate that there was a higher dimensional frequency current in the sky the day I took these photographs.

I postulate that in these higher frequency environments in the sky, higher dimensional galactic beings can open portals – sky portals.

And that is what attracted the Secret Space Program.

I hope you have enjoyed this interesting story of sky phenomena.

What a fascinating time we live in, where we have the technology to view these phenomena and are awakening to the possibilities that exist in our world today.

Would you please consider joining my mailing list so that I can keep in touch with you? I send out an email once a month of my content, and will be starting courses on these phenomena.

Love, Solaris


This article is one of a Secret Space Program – Cloaking Technology Series

There are 8 other videos and 9 other articles in this series that tell the story about a Lightship UFO that flashed me, and the apparent cloaked Secret Space Program UFO that appears to monitor the area.

Articles contain photographs often at higher pixelation than the videos.

Video 1: Lightship UFO Flashes Me!

YouTube link –
Blog article –

Video 2: Found Another UFO (Secret Space Program) While Deep Diving Into the Lightship UFO Flash

YouTube video –
Blog Article –

Video 3: Secret Space Program Craft Shows Up in My Photo! – Reviews evidence and postulates that this is an SSP craft.

YouTube video –
Blog article –

Video 4 – Locating Bright Orb Lights and a Sky Portal
– The flash may have been a portal opening. The lightship looks like two orbs.

YouTube Video –
Blog article –

Video 5 – Further Evidence of Secret Space Program Ship

video –
article –

Video 6 – Stunning Evidence of Cloaking Technology

video –
article –

Video 7 – Solaris Modalis: Cloak, Cloaking Field – Review of Potential Secret Space Program Technology. Discussion of the cloak and comparison of photos that show a geometry around the SSP UFO.

video –
article –

Video 8 – Interdimensional Physics in Photographs of Secret Space Program UFO

video –
article –

this is Video 9 – Solaris Modalis: The Atmospheric Effects of Cloaking Technology

video –
article –

segment 10 – article only – How Cloaking Technology Might Work on a Secret Space Program UFO

video – n/a
article –

© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video as an embed on other blogs and websites as long as a live link to this video on the Solaris Modalis YouTube channel is included as well as the author’s credit, copyright and live website link of are included in the article or posting.

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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

Check out the blog and more photographs at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.