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Seeing a Rectangle UFO Cloaking Through the Dimensions

This is Not a Cloud

Do you see the ‘cloud’ with two right angles in the center of this photograph?

I have come to a stunning conclusion after coming across this phenomenon multiple times now.

This key photograph appears to be of clouds turned pink in the sunset.

It is easy to mindlessly pass these ‘clouds’ and think nothing of it. What pink colors – what a coincidence that there is a 90 degree angle – wait, two 90 degree angles.

It takes the will to notice, and it takes caring to question: Could this cloud form really be possible? I do not know how to calculate the odds of having two 90 degree rectangles together in a cloud in the sky.

However, I do know how to see and observe interdimensionally. And with the help of technology, I am able to translate this simple image about for you so that you can notice what I notice, too.

Seeing Interdimensionally

I was driving when I saw this formation, immediately felt it was rectangular, and quickly pulled over to take photographs.

I was stunned by what I saw. But I have found that I am able to perceive through the dimensions, and the reason I was stunned was from what I was perceiving.

It is my view that every one has this capability. For me, it is a human capability much like ‘the clairs’. These include clairvoyance (seeing images with using the third eye or pineal gland), clairsentience (sensing through use of the pineal), and so on.

With practice, this capability can be developed and honed. The clairs are essentially the native human ability to perceive interdimensionally. And in my view, this is a gift all humans are born with.

So now, let’s take a closer look at our photograph of interdimensional activity.

angel, slyph, Gaia, interdimensional, solaris modals, solarismodalisUnseen Support Assists and Guides Us

In this raw image, you can see what appears to be angular pink clouds at sunset.

Clearly the clouds form 90 degree angles around ‘blue space’ in the sky. Ha ha, I wrote that angels and I guess they want to be mentioned.

In the top photograph, above, you can see a shape that is not geometric like this angular form. Instead the image is to the left of the rectangular shape, and is thick with flowy ‘arms’. In my mind, this is a slyph or an angel consciousness keeping an eye on this activity.

And you will see why they would keep an eye on this as we reveal what is within this odd-shaped formation.

I understand that it may be strange for some readers who are interested in UFOs to have to read about angels while they are looking for technical information regarding this photograph. However, it is my knowing that it is this slyph or angel consciousness that is what likely alerted me to the presence of the ship hiding in this cloud, in the first place.

When we talk about an ‘Alliance’ that is working to free this planet that includes an interdimensional galactic presence, it is also important to know that this Alliance includes a strong celestial presence and the presence of representatives of Gaia like the slyphs, who are representatives of the consciousness of the natural kingdoms of our very own planet.

Ah, I have just outlined the angel and uploaded this photograph and I understand now why I felt guided to talk about the celestial and unseen support aspect in the middle of this article. It is because some people may find the interdimensional images ‘scary’ and it is important to know that we have unseen support assisting us in ways that are extraordinary.

This is a Photograph of ‘Exhaust’ from Cloaking Technology

It is my view that this rectangular cloud formation is a kind of ‘exhaust’ produced from the use of a cloaking technology. The cloaking technology is hiding a ship or UFO of rectangular design.

In my view, the technology in use effects the composition of molecules around the craft. The shift in the composition of molecules produces water vapors; a kind of steam, if you will.

This effect can be seen with the naked eye under certain circumstances.

How is it that this cloaking technology can be seen? 

1) Those used to using this particular cloaking technology aren’t used to being recognized, and thus have continued it’s use unabated.

2) For the ‘exhaust’ or the effects of this cloaking device to gather enough to produce the appearance of a cloud,  the craft has to hover for a time.

3) The consciousness of human beings is rising significantly and with this comes an increased perception into the fourth dimensional space, in my view.

4) The cloaking technology, while appearing advanced, is not higher dimensional (fifth dimensional-plus or 5D+) advanced technology. It is fourth dimensional technology that effects time and space and can interact with this (the third) dimension.

Thus it is likely Secret Space Program type technology and human operated ET (extraterrestrial) sourced technology.

In comparison, galactic higher dimensional technology (fifth dimensional and higher or 5D+) works in alignment with the highest good of all and in alignment with the natural forces and energies and consciousness of the planet and of the highest frequencies of love. Thus it does not produce harsh lines but it does produce beautiful designs.

Lighting Edited Photographs of a Cloaked Craft or UFO

I was able to find the exact light adjustments in this photograph to show clearly that this interdimensional UFO has a clear shape, and is clearly distinct from the sunset. You can also see a ‘cloaking’ or ‘energy’ aspect emitting from the ship.

All that has been adjusted in this photograph is different levels of lighting that result in changes in levels of light throughout various aspects of this photo. I was able to find the ‘sweet spot’ to reveal the rectangle within.

To me, the rectangle looks a little bit like a slab. My friend Alex thought it looked like the rectangular shape in the movie 2001. This link will take you to some photos of it if you choose the image tab of the search.

When you view these photographs to see the rectangle within, I suggest allowing your eyes to rest so that your vision can ‘shift’ a bit and the mind can allow the image to be revealed. It is a bit like looking at the children’s books with multi colored dots where we are asked to let our mind relax so that the image hidden in the pattern of colors is revealed.

Here is the object with a bit closer view. In the second photo, I have outlined the geometric shape that the energy of this craft seems to be generating.

The above photograph shows the wide view of the scene and in addition, how close this UFO is to the ground.

I Take a Spiritual Approach to Life

It has taken me a few weeks to print this image after creating it. My mind was quite surprised by what I saw, and I see quite a few unusual phenomena in the sky. The simple explanation for what is going on within when I see something like this is, for me, the following: Without understanding how I am still safe if this actually exists, my mind does not want to acknowledge this phenomenon.

I can only write how I view these things when I see them, having driven directly underneath it and then come back around to photograph it. I felt amazement and excitement taking the photographs.

I am walking my Soul path and I am following my inner guidance. I do so in trust and in the knowing that all is well. I can literally see an angel (slyph) next to the craft in the unedited photograph, and this is a message to me as well that the situation is being looked after and guarded in the highest good of all.

I do not usually focus on Secret Space Program type craft and technology. However since the Fall of 2017 they have appeared in my photographs with regularity. Not sure what the cause is but there it is and there they are in that photograph above.

And I trust my inner guidance that there is a reason to print these photographs that I am not aware of. They are not my favorites of all the photos I could have printed today, but if you can see the rectangle in the light adjusted photographs, then I think you will agree that they are very striking.

Love, Solaris


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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.