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Research Links: Hologram Technology and Cloaking Technology

By August 29, 2019August 30th, 2019Analysis, Commentary, News, Research Notes and Links

Cloaking technology and hologram technologyHologram technology and Cloaking Technology 

This article is a compilation of links about hologram or holographic technology, and cloaking technology.

If you take a look at articles and technology and other media in recent years, you do find evidence that these more advanced applications of technology are possible; they are certainly in development. 

I have added a section below including a series of articles and information from them about various cloaking inventions and theory and holographic inventions as well.

I’ve done some research and compiled some interesting articles in the areas of cloaking technology and holographic technology. It’s interesting to see where these new technologies are at and it’s interesting to see where we are starting from publicly.

My intent in presenting these here is simply to convey that:

1) These technologies are actively being researched and worked on, and

2) These technologies are a reality, and are at varying stages of development in various applications.

Links: For a discussion comparing cloaking technology, holographic technology, and a photograph of a potential cloaked triangle aircraft, see: Cloaking Technology, Holograms, Triangles (+ Video)

For more articles looking at potential evidence of cloaked aircraft and UAP – UFOs, see this link: Cloaking Technology

Cloaking Technology

This sections will review some interesting articles and videos about cloaking technology.

An invention that cloaks by refracting and reflecting lightwaves around an object:

University of Rochester press release, ’Cloaking’ Device Uses Ordinary Lenses to Hide Objects Across Range of Angles, September 25, 2014.

University of Rochester, The Rochester Cloak, September 15, 2014.

From the Rochester Cloak video (above): Joseph Choi, graduate student (2014), University of Rochester states: “This is the first device that we know of that can do three dimensional continuous multi-directional cloaking. So if you have rays that go at different angles, you can have the cloaking device still cloak it while what you see in the background is shifted accordingly without any distortion or changes.”


A product that produces cloaking by blocking light waves:

Casper Cloaking Website, 2018.

From the website:  “Casper™ Cloaking Technology by Designtex is an architectural film for glass walls that obscures digital screens to outside view. It acts as a smart shield to ensure data privacy, while providing the peace of mind to collaborate freely in any working environment. This is a breakthrough that will unleash space design in the networked modern world. Casper™ is the only cloaking technology of its kind anywhere.”

Casper Cloaking Technology Promo Video

This video is very interesting and can also be viewed on the front page of the company website.  Their “History of Cloaking” at the beginning will give you a laugh. The technology is very interesting, and basically involves blocking certain types of light waves.

Go to 1:15 minutes in the Casper Cloaking video (above) to see the cloaking effect. Here’s a description of what happens: A woman walks past a conference room. Through the open door, she can see everything being presented on large computer screens during a meeting. But as she walks and now looks through the glass wall of the room, the information on the computer screens has become ‘cloaked’; through the glass treated with the cloaking technology, the computer screens now only look black.

So the information showing on the computer screens (in the video) is visible to the naked eye, but seen through a substance covered with the cloaking technology, the information on the computer screens is now invisible because the computer screens appear totally black and look as if they are turned off.


Materials that allow objects to be made invisible:

How Close Are We To An Invisibility Cloak?

Seeker YouTube Channel, DNews, February 17, 2016.

This Invisibility Cloak video (above) discusses cloaking as a way of bending light around a material. It then goes into ‘metamaterials’ that have been developed that change the way that light is scattered.

Lots of interesting images in the video. These materials could be wrapped around objects.  Interestingly, there is a time effect here too, where the image appears slower than what it is reflecting.


Creating the illusion of invisibility:

Invisibility Breakthrough for Japanese Researchers

NDTV YouTube Channel, July 25, 2009.  (Edit: Since publication of this article, this video has since been made private.)

Note that this video and research is from 2009 – ten years ago. Makes one wonder what the status of this technology is now.

The Invisibility Breakthrough video above (link provided – video has been made private) shows images of a cloak that provides some amount of cloaking or invisibility. Very interesting to view the cloak on the video.

From the video:  “Retro-reflective projection technology uses a computer, a video camera and projector to shine background images onto the front of a subject wearing specialized clothing, creating the illusion of invisibility.”

The fabric is made of tiny glass beads that reflect light.


Speed effects cloaking ability and time:

Fast Moving Invisibility Cloaks Become Visible, July 28, 2016.

From the article: “Physicists have found that invisibility cloaks that can achieve perfect invisibility when not in motion will become visible when moving at speeds of around thousands of meters per second. This is because invisibility cloaks appear invisible only to light at a certain frequency called the cloak’s “operational frequency.” When the cloak is moving at high speeds with respect to an observer, relativistic effects shift the frequency of the light arriving at the cloak so that the light is no longer at the operational frequency.”

….“Even small frequency shifts as perceived by the cloak cause distortions, technically called “aberrations,” that can interfere with the cloak’s invisibility. As the cloak’s velocity increases, the aberrations become more pronounced.”


Hologram Technology

This section will review some interesting articles and videos about hologram technology.

Hologram of Tupac at Coachella in 2012:

AV Concepts Brings Tupac Back via Hologram to Perform with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg at the 2012 Coachella Music Festival

Business Wire, April 16, 2012.

From the article: “Over 100,000 fans witnessed the return of Tupac, as a hologram performing onstage with hip-hop music legends Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, thanks to the combination of advanced projection technology creative expertise available only at AV Concepts [working with Rezin8].“

Rezin8, Tupac.

A description of how the Tupac hologram was created by holographic technology specialists Rezin8, working with AV Concepts. The article contains interesting photographic images.

From the website: “The team then employed holographic technology to project the illusion of a life-sized Mr. Shakur on stage and through coordinated choreography, other performers, such as Snoop Dogg, were able to interact with the performance.”


Holographic technology used in Indian elections:

Hologram Rallies Sweep Indian Elections

NY Daily News May 7, 2014.

Describes use of holographic technology in elections for Prime Minister of India.

From the article: “Modi will have used the technology to give six speeches at 1,450 rallies by the time voting finishes…allowing him to reach more than 14 million extra voters.”


New 3D hologram technology announced 2015:

Korean Scientists Have Developed a Legitimate 3-D Hologram can View From Any Angle

Digital Trends, December 7, 2015.

From the article: “Despite what your eyes might lead you to believe, most of the “holograms” you’ve seen rely on optical illusions instead of real holographic technology. For example, the hologram of Tupac that appeared at Coachella in 2012 was just a two-dimensional image projection.” [So the hologram was a 3D effect created by a 2D image.]

“Researchers have been working on true holographic imaging for years, but this week a Korean research team actually made it happen and produced the world’s first 360 degree color hologram. The tabletop holographic display can be viewed all the way around in full color, and the view changes from every angle. It may seem simple, but the ability to project a fully 3D hologram that can be viewed just like a real object is something that wasn’t possible until now.” [Emphasis added.]


How actual 3D projection was created using lasers:

South Korea Develops World’s First Color 3-D Hologram

ET News/ Korea IT News, December 3, 2015.

This is the original Korean source for the Business Wire article (above).

From the article: “Research team is planning to develop system minimization technology, improve quality of image, and increase size of image for next 5 years hereafter [starting from 2015]. It is also planning to develop a technology that sends and receives actual holograms through 5G network”

….“This is a new attempt to overcome technical limitations that current methods have.” said Kim Jin Woong who is the manager of ETRI Broadcast Communication Media Laboratory. “It is meaningful that we greatly made a progress in increasing possibility to implement virtual reality (VR) or holographic broadcasting in the future.”

In the article, the method of creating an actual 3D hologram used by ETRI was described:

“ETRI used diffraction phenomena where light bends due to implementation of hologram and interference where 2 lights come together and make a different color.”

This article also terms previous holograms, in use in general, that are actually 3D effects created by projection of 2D images, as ‘pseudo holograms’. This means that previous to this discovery, holograms were a 3D effect. With the discovery detailed in the article, actual 3D projection was created.

Researchers Claim They’ve Built the First 3D Color Hologram

Engadget, December 3, 2015.

This article details how the effect was created.

From the article: “The effect is produced by powerful, rapid lasers that create the 3D object using diffraction, and produce color via interference between multi-hued lasers.”

Cloaking Technology Links at the Solaris Modalis Blog

Links: For a discussion comparing cloaking technology, holographic technology, and a photograph of a potential cloaked triangle aircraft, see: Cloaking Technology, Holograms, Triangles (+ Video)

For more articles looking at potential evidence of technology, see this link: Cloaking Technology

Curated by Solaris Modalis

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Originally published July 18, 2018. This article was originally published at

Featured image free license from Unsplash by Dmitry Bayer.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.