Today's Sun, TodaysSun, Solar Activity, Solaris Modalis

This photograph of the sun has mesmerized me for a few weeks, now.  Yes, I sit with a photograph for that long, sometimes.

What I cannot explain in this photograph is the interesting shape above the sun.  What I find is that these shapes, and colors, are revealed when the sun’s radiation emits a particular way.

The rainbow colors, like a crown around the sun, are spectacular, also.

What the data on exactly what these sun changes might reveal, I don’t know.  But what I can see, is how the sun does change in my camera.

I wonder why.  And I continue, to look up.

Love, Solaris

p.s. This photograph is from August 14, 2015.  I will change the dating of this post, once it slips off the front page of the blog, so that the sun is in proper chronological order on the summary gallery pages of Today’s Sun.  But today, I wanted to show you the beauty of our star in this particular way, this morning.

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