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Perfect Rectangle: The Starseed Journey and Why Speaking Your Truth is Important, Right Now

By July 12, 2019July 16th, 2019Starseed Journey

Rectangle, cloaking technology, rectangle UFO, ufo, UFOs, cloaking technology, cloaked rectangle, advanced technologies, secret space program evidence
A Perfect Rectangle Cloaking in the Sky

I got out of my car to have lunch and looked up at a perfect rectangle surrounded by clouds in the sky. When I see this, what I see is a rectangle advanced technology craft covered by cloaking technology, in the sky.

And I thought, ‘Of course it’s up there 100% visible when I’ve just parked and gotten out of the car – this is my life, ha ha!’. I laughed to myself, yet felt amazed and surprised.

This post addresses what it’s like to experience these phenomena.

For those more interested in secret space program evidence, we can have a look together at this photograph and analyze it’s features next week on the blog.

Who Are the Starseeds? You Are

In this post, I’m going to discuss the starseed journey; that is, being someone who resonates with higher dimensions, advanced technologies, ‘the stars’ and past lifetimes among them.

These are the starseeds; those who have these sorts of encounters and experiences.

Those who go to lunch and see a perfect rectangle, up there in the sky.

Those of us who dream of these things as integral to our purpose, who breathe this inquiry as an integral part of our life stream.

We see each other and we know. We perceive it by frequency, we perceive it by aura, we perceive it sensing, we perceive the feeling, the connection to the stars is known.

Who are the starseeds? You are my friend. You who are reading this, who resonate with this way of being.

You are the starseeds.

Inspiration Guided Me Here

I think about how it is to have these phenomenal experiences. Sometimes it just blows my mind. I get out of the car and look up and bam, there’s a freaking rectangle in the sky!!

Sometimes, it’s a triangle. Over my driveway.

This is my starseed ‘journey’. This is what following the inner promptings and passion for the stars, from stories of lifetimes there, has produced in my life.

On days like these, it’s striking how simply amazing it is that this is my life, now; that I could look up in the sky and see these things at all.

Ten years ago if you had told me that this is what I would be doing now I don’t know if I could have perceived that as a remote possibility.

It had to develop. Passion had to guide me. Inspiration, little by little, guided me here.

Of Course, at Lunch, there is a Perfect Rectangle: Trusting What You Know to be True From Inside

As I’m writing this, an hour later, it’s literally still up there.

It looks a little different now, not so discernible. But I can see enough of the lines and I know it is there.

I can’t wait to see what the color and lighting editing looks like. These reveal the phenomena in the sky in a way that makes it more visible if you don’t have so much clairvoyant vision.

These are the tools that help me reveal this technology, to you.

Although, I’ve found my starseed buddies have their own sense of vision. Recently one looked at my photos and said ‘Yeah, you’re photographing what’s obvious.”

I had to laugh because they are a new arrival.

It’s obvious to the starseeds. Others? Not so much, maybe.

While it is really, really fun to share and to have confirmation from others with a shared vision, I find a certain approach really benefits me:

No expert needs to confirm my vision. No authority needs to announce that there are cloaked rectangles in the sky.

I see the cloud surrounding the cloaked rectangle. I don’t need to see the metal, although I wonder what it would look like to see it.

Why Shining Your Light is Important, Right Now

I’m one of the people on the planet who holds the knowing of these vehicles in the sky and I’m one of the few who can write publicly about it, because those who really have the detailed information aren’t allowed to talk publicly.

If they were, we’d know the details, already.

Over time, I’ve come to the understanding that there are two factors coming together to facilitate publishing this kind of information.

There are two forces of energy, and they are both physical and non-physical, coming together to facilitate authors like myself, and the many other writers and videographers in this category; for those who are seeking answers, and for those who want to share what they have found.

First, it’s my feeling that there are white hats at high levels who want to begin introducing these concepts to broader society. There’s a support, I feel, for sharing these sort of insights. Although this isn’t acknowledged, sometimes I see the signs. It’s also my feeling that the range of these ‘light’ forces, is physical and non-physical. And they can both effect the reality we see around us.

Second, it’s within ‘the rules’ that the rogue or dark forces must make their intentions and even the actual specifics of their activities known. This is because nothing can actually happen on this planet unless the greater human collective agrees, consciously or unconsciously, from a spiritual and energy perspective. That’s why those who aren’t batting for their team but who are getting the information out are tolerated. Doesn’t mean they won’t try to co-opt your message though. Yeah, that happens.

And then there are the actual phenomena, both from Earth and from other realities and higher dimensions, that are influencing and doing this also; that are showing themselves or not, that are skating the fine lines of honoring our free will choices with revealing their presence and that which is ‘real’. The influences of these forces in my view are specific to the individual perceiving them. The operate differently because they honor the free will choices of those human beings who are on the ground having a human experience.

These factors and influences are a part of the dance,

perceiving them is a part of being human,

it’s part of the journey,

it’s a part of the experience of doing this,

it’s part of the adventure, even –

and of the fun.

Those Who Want to Know, Can Know

I think of all the people who would love to catch a UFO shot, or of people who aren’t convinced that ‘they are out there’.

I look at all of the cars driving by in traffic, and wonder what it would be like if everyone could see what I see. A part of my wants to say:

“Do you see what is up there?? Do you see how much more advanced technology is, and it is right up there, in the sky??

Right there above you!!”

People are driving by having a normal, ordinary, maybe even a boring day. And something amazing, maybe even a perfect rectangle technology cloaking in the sky, is just right up there, the knowledge is right within their reach.

If they would only look up? If they would only imagine?

This isn’t everyone’s Soul path.

A Grateful Thank You to My Audience

So many of us do, right? We imagine what is possible. I’m talking about you. You who are reading this blog, seeing this article. I’m so grateful to have you as my audience and to be able to share with you.

For those who have the starseed experience, who walk the journey of the seeker, who are impassioned with the desire to discover, those who simply know from inside; for us, the journey can be lonely.

Know that they are so many of us out here.

We have different opinions, differing missions.

Many of us are here to work and to serve, in our own ways.

Many of us are here to see what is happening; to try to gain some understanding, and maybe contribute something.

Some of us are here living ordinary lives, but our spirit flows out and effects the world around us in unknown ways.

Sometimes, though, we secretly know what these ways are.

Sometimes we see each other across a crowd, and our eyes meet, and we know, and that is all.

Sometimes we meet here, for a moment. And we know that there is someone else out there, experiencing this journey.

Love, Solaris

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at perfect-rectangle-the-starseed-journey-and-why-speaking-your-truth-is-important-right-now.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.