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An Overview: The Rules = Spiritual Rules = Divine Law

Star trail, spiritual, spiritual rules, divine law, the rules, the cosmos, creation, stars, awe, hope, amazement, wonder, night sky

There are spiritual rules that apply to the reality we live in.

They apply to all realities, physical and non-physical, in the universe. At the basis of spiritual rules is Divine Law.

Understanding the spiritual rules is key to empowerment in life, and to navigating the world around you.


What are ‘the Rules’?

In my writings on this blog, I often refer to these as ‘the Rules’ of living life on this planet.

‘The Rules’ are spiritual rules, and have their basis in Divine Law. What does this mean?

The Creator gave you access to these rules because you are created with a divinely incarnate Soul. Your human body is the temple of the Soul.

As a living incarnate Soul in human form, you have the right and the ability not only to know and determine what the spiritual rules are, and to know what Divine Law is, you have the right to have dominion over yourself and in your human life based in alignment with spiritual rules and Divine Law as you walk the path of your Soul.

The Rules, the Spiritual Rules, Divine Law: These Emanate from the Non-Physical

These rules emanate from the non-physical, since they have their foundation in the Creation of the world and the essence of Creation is Divine.

The non-physical is ruled by Divine Will and Spiritual Laws, just as the physical world is.

Once we understand this concept, we can come to gain a broader understanding of that which is unseen and has influence over us, but is not emanating from God’s will for us.

If we understand that we operate within Spiritual Laws breathed into life through Divine Will, we can begin to understand what actions we can take or what mental, emotional, physical and spiritual attitudes will expand our dominion in our own lives, based in rules that have alignment with the will of the most high God and the path of our Soul.

Expanding Our Consciousness to See the Unknown Influences on Our Lives

We can perceive or have an impression of the non-physical that effects us, just as we can learn what rules governing the non-physical can be used to our advantage as divinely-empowered human beings walking in alignment with the way our own Soul guides us to do.

Our conscience, our intuition, meditation and prayer, following spiritual principles, all of these can assist us and are mechanisms for us to receive inner guidance.

From within our human bodies, we can also perceive the non-physical and even other dimensions.

Many people have differing innate human skill sets with which they do this. For example, using ‘the Clairs’ – clairvoyance, clairsentience, and so on, we are able to perceive non-physical energy and entities.

In my view all humans are born with these abilities embodied innately. Some may have a lot of talent from birth or have higher skills simply from training them, knowing about them and using them.

Sometimes we can even perceive the non-physical with our eyes. We are just not trained to know what we are looking at.

Many people have experienced visits by angels for example, this is an example of an entity that can travel interdimensionally visiting humanity.

When we understand the Rules, when we understand spiritual rules and Divine Law, we come into a greater ability to determine for ourselves how the non-physical will or will not effect our lives.

When we understand the spiritual rules and claim our authority as an incarnated Soul, we fundamentally change the relationship between ourselves and whatever is in the non-physical world around us.

Expanding Our Consciousness to Appreciate Being Human

If we simply expand our consciousness we would do okay and get pretty far at including more into our view of what reality is.

Many times spiritual people or people seeking to raise their consciousness can diminish the Earth or human experience.

This reality and our lives in human form are precious and sacred; they were made by the Creator too.

Bringing higher awareness and consciousness to the human form is an exciting way of living.

Christians might call this ‘what would Jesus do’ – thinking of this and living this to the best of your ability every day.

That Christed consciousness is truly the closest embodiment of Divinity possible in human form. It is also an expanded consciousness, too.

As Jordan Peterson often says, if you can just clean your room, get yourself together, and aim for the highest good you can conceive of, well that is something.

Connection with Our Own Soul is Our Guide

What I would add is this – the highest good we can conceive of comes from within through our connection with the Divine, with our own Soul.

It is not a mental process of intellectualizing, and it is not an emotional process of feeling things through, although these are valuable skill sets.

Knowing of the highest good comes from connecting as well as one is able from within with the Soul, and going from there.

It is deeply personal and it is non-physical and non-verbal too.

How Do We Perceive Divine Law, as Humans?

All this is meant to say – how do we perceive what is Divine Law? It emanates from the non-physical.

It is at the basis of the very substance of the universe, because all that is was made by the Creator. It is in perfection, and we are human.

Digging deep to ascertain what is our guidance by accessing our conscience, through prayer and through connection with the most high God, through our connection with our own Soul, through our ‘gut’ or intuition, these are the best means of our knowing what is in alignment with Divine Will in our lives.

Love, Solaris


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© 2020 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. This article was first published on February 11, 2020. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.