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How Do We Assess Navy Pilots’ 2004 UAP – UFO Encounter?

By August 22, 2019September 22nd, 2019A Space Force, Analysis, Commentary, News, UFO

Pilots, phenomena, phenomenon, sky

Taking a Fresh Look at U.S. Navy Pilots’ UAP – UFO Encounter

I’ve worked on a project of analyzing the reaction of US Navy pilots to encountering an aerial phenomenon in 2004, to better try to understand what this experience may tell us.

This video was released in the Fall / Winter of 2017. Yet, sometimes distance gives us perspective. For me, it’s taken time to look into and think about this event, and it feels like it’s time to write about it.

The thoughts I have crystallize into two main topic areas:

1.) What can we know for sure that is real (and not conjecture) about this event?

2.) Are there key insights we can learn from it?

This blog post will summarize key observations about what happened.

It’s Okay to Talk About UFOs Because They are Now Called UAPs

The new narrative of describing sky phenomena as UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), and using this term over ‘UFOs’, seems to attempt to position sky phenomena as a military field with unknown aerial assets that are potentially threatening.

These are the first notables about the story of the encounter, itself; 1) The shift to a ‘UAP’ word usage, and 2) Positioning of UAPs into a military context.

Whether these assets are advanced technologies from other countries, from our own country, or are otherworldly, maybe there is something to be concerned about. After all, a Senate subcommittee hearing met in May 2019 where the initial discussion centered on rogue operators such as ‘space pirates’.

Links: Space Pirates Are a Problem

Perhaps the U.S. military already has advanced technologies and those interviewed publicly about the U.S. military capabilities don’t have the knowledge, or perhaps, don’t have the clearance, to tell us.

Navy Pilots’ Experience of UAP – UFO

It’s pretty brave of a pilot to come forward publicly and say ‘I experienced this’ and ‘I saw this’. Their personal experience and bravery is something to be held in high regard.

It’s pretty fantastic to see a Navy pilot on the main stream media talking about witnessing a UAP – UFO event.

Clearly some sort of shift has happened in terms of discussing the events, publicly.

Combing Through the Articles and Video

We can listen to the talk shows and interviews, read the articles, and see what is told to us about these encounters, and that is what I have done.

I’ve also gone through the video over and over, going back to when it was released and more recently, both watching the video and then listening to the audio, trying to learn and to see if I could draw any conclusions about what this experience meant, in general.

I’ve included links to two videos and an article that seem to be a good summary of events regarding this incident. These items are posted at the conclusion of this article for your review.

Links: Additional Research Links: Department of Defense UFO Video Footage Released in 2017

UAP – UFO Narrative Similarities: Limited Transparency About the Field Makes it Difficult to Draw Conclusions

Without more background information or contextual development, it can be hard to place an experience into a context that makes sense to the listener or viewer.

Thus, our unconscious will frame a story or experience we hear or observe from within own biases. Without thinking, we will put the story we hear into a framework based on our own experiences, our previous assumptions, things we’ve heard, what we’ve previously been told, observed or read.

In addition, it’s necessary to also acknowledge that in general, no matter the news source of information, there are agendas in presenting information. It’s a part of politics and strategy. It’s even a part of being human. Sometimes we are conscious of the agendas, and sometimes we are not.

As individual citizens, in this incident, we don’t have the full information on what is at play. This make it hard to draw meaningful analytical conclusions.

Are videos and interviews spliced together and practiced to present the story in a particular way? In an artistic way? In a way that communicates purposeful messages? In a way that sets parameters and boundaries of discussion? That outline technological advancement? That communicate warnings, even, for unknown parties? Are stories communicated in a way that advocates propogandized statements?

All of these are probable, and possible.

Making Careful Observations

How do we distill our analysis down so that the purest observations we can make are possible? The drama of the action distracts us. The newness of the topic material engages us.

How do we look through the story, how do we pierce any illusions, how do we explain any unusual experiences we note or that occur while we are making our assessments? How do we remove unconscious bias?

How do we acknowledge the pull to make this or that conclusion, and see impartially into what appears to have happened?

It has taken time, distance, careful review of many articles and interviews of the material, and careful thought, but I think I’ve honed it down pretty well to a clean and clear summary.

I’ve got some conclusions about the 2004 Navy pilots’ experience of a UAP – UFO and their encounter off of the coast of San Diego.

What Do We Know, For Sure, About the Pilots’ Experience?

This is the crux of what we know.

My conclusions are straightforward and simple:

  • Advanced technology was noted in our skies.
  • It was visually observed by U.S. Navy pilots with their eyes.
  • It was technologically recorded and observed by U.S. military advanced sensors.
  • The pilots were amazed by the capabilities of the aerial craft that was witnessed.
  • One pilot wished he could fly it.

And that is all.

~ Susan of Solaris Modalis

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Reference Videos and Article:

Here is just a sample of videos and an article that tell the story of the Navy pilots’ 2004 UFO – UAP encounter.

Video source: Navy Pilot Recalls ‘Out of This World’ Encounter

Video source: Inside the Navy’s 2015 Encounter with a UFO

Link to New York Times article:


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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. Original publish date of this article is August 22, 2019. This article was originally published at

Image of sky free license from Unsplash by Juskteez Vu.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.