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Golden Glow – Clive Lawler, Guest Photographer

Clive Lawler, interdimensional, golden, sun

What Does This Image Look Like to You?

For me, the energy in this photograph looks to me that it has a round center with almost a firm ring of energy around this center energy ball.

Clive Lawler posted this amazing photograph to Facebook one day, and so I contacted him and he graciously gave permission to repost this at my Solaris Modalis blog.

One Facebook comment on this photograph was the following: ‘A UFO’?

I resonated with that comment and this energy looked interdimensional to me. What does this look like, to you?

I love to look at interdimensional energies present in an image through adjusting the lighting in a photograph. Clive was okay with me doing this with his image, and so here you have the results.

Interdimensional Energy Waves Visible

I have found that I am able to sense and even to see interdimensional energies. But sometimes it is helpful to adjust the light in photgraphs to help reveal these patterns. I mark the photographs where this has been done. All other photographs on Solaris Modalis are unedited.

But usually even I get surprised, and wowed, but what gets revealed through these light adjustments.

In the following photograph, you can see the light patters, the energy patterns, around the object or energy in the center of the oval – roundish shape. In my view, these energies are interdimensional. You can see the waves emitting. They also imply forward movement, as if the energy is coming towards the photographer.

Clive Lawler, interdimensional, golden, sun, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Portal Effect Revealed Through Light Edits

Different lighting adjustments, to the light spectrums in the photograph, will reveal differing features.

In the next photograph, what is amazing is that you can see a portal effect, where this golden energy appears to have emitted from the sun, leaving a distinct trail of energy (the reddish color), between it and the portal opening in the sky or at the sun.

There is also the feel of an almost distinct object in the center of the energy ball. And there may be a symmetry between the left and right ‘wings’ of energy on either side of the main energy ball at the center.

These photographs are absolutely fascinating to me. It was absolutely wonderful to work these photographs to reveal the energy, too.

The Golden Glow

When I saw this photograph, I felt something special about it. I also feel very resonant with golden energies. In fact, another Australian photographer will be sharing a photo of a golden orb that she took in the night sky on this site in another upcoming guest post. What is going on down there? Lol.

Make sure to check out the interdimensional energies and portal effect revealed by the lighting edits I added to his photograph, below.

Clive Lawler, Guest Photographer Shares His Inspiration With Us

Clive has also been a guest author at Solaris Modalis before. I published a very popular article by him titled The Inner Activist and Chemtrails – Clive Lawler, a chapter from his book, All’s Fair in Life on Earth.  A link to his book is at the bottom of this article.

Sighting a chemtrail for the first time is what focused Clive’s consciousness upon the sky. And lead to an amazing awakening in consciousness for him. Today Clive takes photographs of the sky and regularly posts them on Facebook.

Clive photographs the skies at his Australian home. He posts his amazing photographs of clouds and sun at his Facebook page at Clive Lawler.  His slow food Facebook page is here.

Thank you to Clive for sharing his passion for the skies with us.

Love, Solaris


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Clive Lawler

Clive Lawler, book, All's Fair in Life on EarthFor a PDF copy of Clive’s book, All’s Fair in Life on Earth, send $10 Australian to Clive via Paypal, to his Paypal account name, which is At the same time, please email him (same e-dress as account name), informing of payment and requesting the PDF.

To read chapters of Clive’s book and learn more about him, you can visit Thank you Clive Lawler at Gaia Scenic’s View.


Article content © 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

Photograph by Clive Lawler, original published and also light edited with gracious permission.

Check out the blog and more photographs at

Golden Glow – Clive Lawler, Guest Photographer

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.