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Fun Interpreting Photos: A Discussion of Self-Betrayal, UFOs, Autists, Non-Linear Thinking and of Not Taking Ourselves and Each Other Too Seriously

Space coast, Florida coast, shore, Solaris Modalis, sun and sky, secret space program evidenceHaving Fun Without the Spooky Music

I had fun spending time showing my photographs to Andrea Scully, who’s blog is Notes From the Center of the Spiral. Andrea is also the Executive Editor at, and is a co-owner at the Gaia Scene Forum.

We had a really good discussion about sky phenomena, the UFO Field, secret space program evidence, elite advanced human technologies, and the like.

But when we really dug in, we were talking about the nature of consciousness, of individual perception, the nature of reality, why autists may perceive the world differently, trusting our own perceptions, accepting what our insides are saying to us, self-betrayal and the challenges of speaking our stories out loud.

Most importantly, we laughed and we had fun.

All of the images in this article were taken by me on my recent visit to the Space Coast along the eastern coast of Florida. The photographs are unretouched except for the addition of graphics and words written onto the image itself, which are obvious in the presentation. Photos included from other articles and sources are noted.

The Personal Experience: Taking Back Our Stories

We had fun talking about a topic that is taken way too seriously in my view, and is approached with way too much drama: UFOs, advanced human technologies, potential secret space programs with exotic technology…the Space Force!

What is it all about, and can our personal experiences with phenomenon be explained?

Yes I’ll own it. I‘ll include the personal seriousness and drama I have undergone in the process of releasing fear, finally writing down my stories, and making videos to boot. The long discussions with friends and the wrestling with my own feelings were all a part of it.

It’s good to laugh about it now, and to have some fun with it. After all, why else are we doing this, why else are we engaging in this field, if not for it to be life enhancing; to answer the questions that drive us, to know the unknown, to follow our own passion?

A little fun, a little levity, keeps one going and lightens us up to endure for the long haul.

Of course, from the perspective of those actually active; creating, producing and utilizing advanced human technologies, or beyond, most of whom are unknown and probably can’t have the open discussion, yes the concept of advanced technologies in the sky is a serious one.

The focus of my conversation with Andrea Scully was on the experience of human beings on the ground, and their range of personal experiences. This includes:

What is Up There?

  • What is up in the sky?
  • What is the individual perceiving?
  • What are people having experiences of that they are sharing?
  • How are people perceiving their experiences?
  • How do we assess our own experiences of these phenomena?
  • What is behind the controversy and drama around the focus about what is true?

Andrea: This conversation is one I always want to have, it’s about taking our stories back.

When did it become some kind of thought crime to use our creativity to tell stories, to bring forth meaning, it’s ridiculous. We’ve been hijacked, let’s take them back and have some fun with them.

And shame on those people stopping any of that. I don’t care what they think, what they say. It doesn’t matter to me. I grew past that a long time ago.

Susan: Well, I did too or I wouldn’t be doing this blog!!

I view the personal experiences of others in this field, or of readers and viewers of content in this field, and the everyday person, as valid.

There are similar stories, and there are differing stories.

But who is to say that another’s personal experience is or is not valid, or that there is only one truth to be told.

Andrea: That’s right. At a certain point you can just laugh at the bully factor. And laughing is a good thing.

Susan: When I actually tell people my stories, then I get some amazing experiences in terms of sharing, and it is really gratifying.

Andrea: Of course it is. And it is a deeply gratifying and deeply human thing to do. Telling our stories is deeply integrated with how we express ourselves on this planet, in this universe, as humans. It is all related and we are related. And it’s part of the way we explore how we are related.

Sharing experiences can be fun and silly, as well as serious and other things too.

Unfortunately from my point of view, we have been hit in a way that forces us to forget that there is a sacred balance between reverence and mirth. There is a balance between what we may or may not perceive as sacred, there is a place for mirth and fun to bust the heart open, to shatter that which doesn’t make any sense, for the joy to pop out of us, for sharing and coming together.

Susan: This is how we come together, despite different views.

Andrea: That’s right because everyone enjoys a sense of the absurd. And some of what we are experiencing these days needs the fun factor to bring us back to sanity.

How do we reflect sanity in an insane world?

This is perhaps one of the ways we might approach that.

Susan: Some of my perceptions that seem the most ‘out there’ in terms of this insane world, also are the ones that seem the most true.

Andrea: Yes!

And faced more and more with what is quite obviously an agenda by some factions on this planet to keep us divided, and to keep us focused on ‘us versus them’.

A Discussion of Self-Betrayal, UFOs, Autists, Non-Linear Thinking and of Not Taking Ourselves and Each Other Too Seriously

Having Fun Analyzing the Featured Photograph; Sharing Our Views

Susan: Andrea, look here at this photo! Do you see the rectangle UFO? I perceive a cloaked rectangle craft that is secret space program evidence.

This photograph was taken near a military base, and to me I perceive it is protecting the base and the people there.

I perceive evidence of many ships like this here on the Space Coast, in the sky, and to me there is a feeling that they are protecting this country.

Andrea: You know what I see? I see a stork flying!

Susan: Well that’s cool! Don’t storks protect and deliver babies?

Your perception of a stork, for me, speaks to the protective function that I perceive in the rectangle technology.

Andrea: Well I hope that is what our military is actively engaged in, protecting babies and children because what else is more important!!

Addressing the Desire for an Authority to Tell Us What is True

Andrea: You know what I find interesting? We all perceive something.

How that filters through each of our individual consciousness is what’s interesting.

People seem to think there needs to be some authority to give them the meaning of something. And they don’t even respect their own ability to determine their own meaning.

You don’t need an authority to interpret meaning for you. You can just look at something yourself and riff off of it, and interpret your own meaning.

Why is that less valid?

Because I don’t think it is less valid.

The fun factor here is that we can both look at this stuff, and you can use your imagination to bring out the meaning, the value, the story.

And – we don’t have to take it that seriously.

Understanding the Nature of Perception

Andrea: But it’s interesting to see that we might get the same meaning from a different perspective.

See, it seems like ‘this, and this and this’ to you, and it seems like ‘this and that’ to me, and magically, we get to a similar meaning, even if the story details are a little bit different.

So it can be said that we are perceiving the same thing, but it’s not like mathematical formulae. We don’t need exactly the same math to get the same meaning.

This insistence for an exactly similar perception that we all agree on, is a linear interpretation of interpreting meaning, but the truth is reality is more fluid than that.

Susan: That’s why I like doing this interpretation with you. We each come from the perspective that ‘I am my own authority, and I have the ability to decide for myself what is true for me, or not.’

We are each our own authority in our lives, and are willing to be self-responsible.

Why take on meaning that is someone else’s that doesn’t necessarily resonate for you?

We Betray Ourselves When We Place the Viewpoint of an Authority Above Our Inner Knowing; When We Disregard Guidance From Within

Andrea: Here’s the trick too, if we absolutely give up the authority to someone else, then we have to have somebody else serve as an authority.

The danger here is how we betray the trust of our own knowingness.

How not nice is that?? We wonder why some part of us is disgusted.

And is it any surprise that on some deep level there’s this feeling of disgust with the mistrust that we have for our own inherent authority.

Susan: I think that this gets reflected in the trust/mistrust cycle projected onto authorities in the UFO field.

A person hears another’s stories and they resonate and that is fine. Another person hears another’s stories and they do not resonate and that is fine.

It’s when a person hears another’s stories, does not resonate, but thinks that they have to accept the story as their own truth to be valid themselves in their discussions and beliefs, that we run into trouble as individuals.

We could simply acknowledge that this is the truth of another person, whether they are an authority in the field or the person sitting next to us at a conference. And if that truth does not resonate, that is okay.

We don’t have to agree, but we can still get along. We can acknowledge that this field is broader than maybe any one of us has any idea about. So there will be many, many experiences and many stories.

We can have different experiences, but we can still listen to each other. We can find the common ground as human beings – or maybe more than that! – living on the same planet together, sharing similar interests, sharing and discussing the deep questions that fill our being:

What is up there? What is really going on? What happened to me? Why do I feel so different? What did I really see?

We have that similar basic desire driving us in these lines of inquiry. It is a common and shared passion.

Sometimes it’s just that we are too uncomfortable or fearful to accept the truth of our own experience and we can feel immense stress around that.

You have people experiencing that which they cannot talk about;

that which maybe scared them;

that which was amazing;

that which they do not understand.

So now the inner questioning and then the inner mistrust, because something is so unusual that it doesn’t fit accepted narratives, is projected onto the outside authority.

Andrea: Yes exactly. You can be sure we are not even owning our own authority but you can believe that we do know something about what we are perceiving.

We are not willing to take on that self-responsibility.

And it’s like… really? We don’t want to believe our own intuition, our own sensations of whatever that may be.

That’s what is crazy.

Susan: Then that craziness of the situation gets also projected outward, onto others and especially onto those speaking out in the field.

But then, there are those who will position themselves as authorities that will take advantage of what amounts to internal confusion and even inner deception of what one’s own truth is, on the part of an individual.

But, the true deception is ultimately the deception of the self. The covering up of the truth of our own stories. The giving in to fear and keeping quiet.

The denial of what really happened by a person of their own experience, the difficulty some have in remembering, the fear of what may have been, the forgetting because a memory brings so much longing to be elsewhere and such depth of feeling that it is almost unbearable to be here now.

I have worked with people in all of these categories, and I have been there myself too.

Andrea: But the essence of it is that “I just can’t trust myself”

This is kind of a side story here.

It calls for one to exercise their own discernment.

Susan: I think it’s not a side story I think it is the story!

Scan the Sky, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, Solaris Modalis Video, Chemtrails, Lightships, Higher dimensional energy, frequencies, secret space program, transmutation of chemtrails

From the article and video ‘Scanning the Sky’.

Because for me, I spent years coming in to focus on perceptions that I kept inside of me. But when I share it outward, sometimes it resonates and sometimes it doesn’t in myself.

I keep and share that which feels most true within, in the moment, and I discard that which I realize does not truly resonate.

Andrea: Well, it frees it up to move from a static place and not honored for what it is, to having movement to reveal what it is. It might be fantastic and magical but it might be bullsh_t, also.

Just because it comes from inside, doesn’t mean it is true or even not distorted. But, if you are sharing it, at least it allows your truth and your stories to become unstuck so that the information becomes fluid again.

So now we can talk about it, and play with it, and re-evaluate it, and look at it, and see how it is or what it is now.

And, we can have fun with it!

Susan: Yes the act of revealing the information itself clarifies it for me. When it comes out, it either feels good or it
falls flat.

When the information has the ring of truth within, it gives me an elevated feeling. And when the information just feels ‘off pitch’ or untrue from my perspective, it falls by the wayside.

Andrea: Yes, maybe it reveals itself to be utter bullsh_t, and maybe it reveals itself to be rich with meaning.

If it is bullsh_t, then it reveals itself to be not based in truth. And this information still is rich with meaning.

Susan: Because it allows us to get to clarity, within.

Andrea: If we are worried about getting all woo woo because ‘this just ain’t scientific’ or because of what the neighbors might think, in a sense, this is just silly.

Why can’t we approach this playfully? Why can’t we have fun with this? Why can’t we free up our perception and conversations?

Is it more important to be right? Or is it more important to be free?

We are conditioned to be right and to be afraid to be judged. I think everyone knows what we are talking about here.

It’s a broadening of perception to just approach it with fun.

Susan: I feel so strongly about this.

That is why I do my videos the way I do.

I like to laugh and have fun with Alex who I do many of my videos with. And I make ship models out of lipstick containers and cardboard and show clips of what I experience seeing, and I laugh at myself because that is fun and it makes it fun.

This area is just way too serious. People take themselves way too seriously, and people feel that they have to be right when how can we ever be right when we have almost no information that is official, almost none at all relative to what the breadth of this field really might be.

Perhaps when the United States Space Force formalizes more transparently and publicly, some of this information will become more available.

(Links: See Space Force: Has a Truce Allowed Use of Assets Previously Restricted or Encumbered?, and UFOs & the Space Force, and the blog category Space Force).

Andrea: Yeah, because I perceive that these fields are just full of disinformation. As I perceive it, there is an absolute intense amount of, an avalanche of, disinformation poured into this field of discovery, and it is done to exhaust the seeker.

Susan: I’m in agreement with you on this.

(Links: See What If UFOs Are the Psyop?, and Alien UFOs: The Secret of What this Term Means.)

This situation exists where one authority gains popularity, and then suddenly, they’re wrong, and then we move on to the next authority who this time, really knows what is going on. Even previously respected authorities are questions for their allegiance. And who really knows?

Even government documents are said to be true, then it is said that they are fakes, then that they are inserted into the public awareness by spooky characters who are trying to sway opinion and set agendas, and on it goes.

Who can say who is right or wrong or if this even matters given the overall environment in the field? One cannot take it truly seriously.

And yet, if there are advanced human technologies flying above us, and more, then it is truly one of the most serious and important fields of knowledge for our people – for humanity.

The only way to deal with these issues would be actual transparency, across the board. We don’t have that, and that is where personal discernment comes into play.

For the moment, for me anyway as this has been my focus, the foray into this field of experience and study is akin to a spiritual exercise in knowing one’s own truth and developing personal discernment.

Yes, the disinformation is done to confuse the seeker, and it’s done to drag down the energy, and it’s done to create fear. I can’t tell you how many UFO videos I have seen where the music is dark and scary and there are dark and scary imaginary aliens, and I’m tired of it.

Andrea: Oh yeah, the bad aliens, they are all bad. They want to eat us, they want our women!! They want our planet, like it’s the only one available. And maybe they do. I don’t know.

But I do know that if we can’t get out of the proverbial box, if we can’t get back to where we trust our own perceptions, whatever off world or ‘quote, unquote’ alien beings there are, well, what’s the range of possibilities for interaction then?

If we cannot trust our own selves at a basic and most fundamental level, if we cannot trust our own perceptions as a human being, how can there be any reasonable interaction or interplay there?

I mean we have trouble communicating with our own species!! I’m just saying.

Susan: (Laughter.)

Well I have a personal opinion about these things, and this opinion is right for me because it’s mine!! But my personal feeling is that many, many of these things, these craft in the sky, are human. They’re human creations.

(Links: See Most Metal UFOs are From Earth – The Drive to Create a US Space Force and Earth-Based UFOs, Do We Have the Technology?)

And, even the ones that appear to be from off world, or so entirely phenomenal like the ones that are translucent and
changing shape in the sky, for all we know they are human beings from our own future come back to be here right now!

Or maybe, we can just see perceive these phenomena through the dimensions and they cannot really effect our reality. I have perceived them through the dimensions, like a bleed through.

I have perceived this interdimensionality many times in analyzing video and photographs.

(Links: See Solaris Video: Lightship in a Starbank & Interdimensional Physics and Interdimensional Physics in Photographs of Secret Space Program UFO.)

Andrea: Honestly I tend to agree with you. I mean I really don’t know. But I do know in myself.

I continue to watch for evidence that whether what I’m perceiving is true, how distorted it is or how much of that is true, and how true is it to me? Does it apply to this or that situation? I continue to track it. I don’t rely on anybody else to track it for me.

I don’t rely on anyone else and I rely on whatever ability I have, whether that is fantastic or pathetic, I can’t say how to measure it.

Because I can’t say the difference between what I am experiencing and what somebody else is experiencing.

Because that is just another way to squeeze the mystery out of it. The nature of perception itself is magical, it is real, it is full of meaning, it is real and true on whatever level it is for whoever is experiencing it.

I think we get lost in the perceptional. The phenomenon of perception itself produces certain distortions. Some of these are directly related to what we are conditioned to – which is linear thinking.

That distortion of linear thinking where A leads to B leads to C, well maybe it doesn’t. Maybe A leads to M leads to F. And maybe all of this is true at the same time. But it’s pretty hard to get out of that box that we are conditioned to.

Perception itself can be more fluid.

It is what we recognize in our human collective as ‘genius’, which includes those recognized as ‘autistic’, some number of whom have striking genius in their ability to recognize patterns through unchained perception.

Autism, besides the many physical and other human characteristics, may be defined as the ability to perceive patterns in great chaos.

Susan: This has come to the awareness of many of us and has been highlighted by autists doing Internet research. These autists dig into and analyze news and information.

Andrea: This pattern recognition, which we recognize that certain autistic people, the autists, can do is at a level that is striking to the rest of us.

Susan: Maybe it is common among all autists but a group have the ability to bridge, or translate, and communicate the information about their perceptions to the other humans.

Andrea: They can do it with a level of genius that ignores distortions meant to hold one to a hardened pattern, or to keep one’s perception and thinking chained to an ingrained, structured narrative.

I would suggest that it’s more about what is essentially possible in human perception.

I would suggest in my view that autists are just, beyond all the details of autism; that autists just don’t take to the conditioning to think in a linear way.

Susan: That’s awesome. Wow. Insightful, yes. That makes sense to me.

I think that both of these ways of perceiving, the linear and nonlinear, hold truth, and that both of these realities actually exist at the same time.

In my view, both ways of perceiving are valid and true because there are people who perceive it one way, linearly, and people who perceive nonlinearly.

From the individual’s point of perception, each person has a truth that is actually a different truth from the other, but they may have the same or similar meaning, or not. These differences are flavored by more than mental or intellectual information; they also carry emotional, spiritual, physical and non-physical perceptions and experiences.

There are also people who can perceive both types of reality, linear and nonlinear, and sometimes both at the same time!

These are the people who can bridge from one perception to the other, who can inform from one reality as it were, to the other. And I own it, I am one of these types of persons.

And as an aside, here is an example: The definition of a person is a human being. But the legal definition of a person is a human or non-human entity. Do you think this only refers to corporations? Har har har! Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn’t.

How you perceive reality will be a key point in your frame of reference, even without thinking or knowing that that is where you are starting from.

I also feel that multiple linear realities exist at the same time, and that multiple nonlinear realities exist at the same time. These can be termed alternate timelines from our perspective as time doesn’t exist or is more flexible in many alternate realities, by definition, if they are nonlinear.

For me, the awareness of alternate realities and alternate timelines of perception and experience are the clearest way of explaining the differences in certain experiences, and the differences in certain stories.

Creation ‘tries it out’ in many ways, in my view, in many circumstances. There is repetition and there are small changes between realities based on, well who knows?? This is the fun of imagining.

For me, these concepts are at the basis of interdimensional physics, from the Earth bound human perspective. It is my view that this will be the new and exciting field as more and more people are able to understand and to perceive both of these ways.

(Links: See my blog category Interdimensional Physics and the article Interdimensional)

At the personal level, what’s important is to find out which evidence and experience resonates for you. That is your truest truth. And it’s the closest you’ll come to making meaning out of how the world is for you.

Because, if we can’t use this information to be meaningful, then of what real use is it? If we can utilize it, in our own personal ways; if we can use this information to benefit our lives, then isn’t this the greater purpose of it?

That’s how it is for me. I use this information to make sense of my own life and to expand the possibilities in my own world.

Andrea: But, whether you are autistic or not, it is possible to think outside these boxes, and to allow what is inside of us to bubble up. To serve up the stories to ourselves.

You and I can look at these clouds together, and you can tell one story and I can tell another. And both of these could, they might, speak to something we are perceiving. I would suggest that it does.

What happens when we throw that on the table?

Susan: Usually when we do that we laugh. And this is fun.

And I think laughter facilitates understanding.

Andrea: It’s healing to the betrayal of trust that every human being I know has about the pressure of being socially accepted. We don’t want to be seen as different or to risk being exiled.

These social pressures are very real to most every human being I know.

What happens when we laugh, when we allow the big fun, is that it’s the most effective way to pop open a slammed shut heart.

And it is straight up magic, if we can have a good belly laugh. We can both look at the sky and see essentially the same thing. The details are slightly different but we are both surfing the same way.

From nano second to nano second, it’s different to you than to me. And it’s interesting to share those experiences, because when we share it with one another we get a fuller meaning.

Susan: Laughter alleviates the sense of betrayal.

It’s about what do we focus on? Do we focus on our commonalities as human beings?

A great part of the fun of being alive is enjoying this great sense of shared and common experience, when we can be accepting of our diversity and differences.

We are able to be accepting of diversity when we don’t have a position to defend, because someone else is saying their’s is a truer truth.

Why not accept them all and then each one of us can decide, individually? Each one of us can step into taking personal responsibility for how we are feeling, and for what our own truth is.

A key aspect of moving in to self responsible behavior, though, is a key side effect of out of the box thinking, research and perception: How do we live our lives with the knowledge that there are hidden things going on in the world? How do we carry on as if everything was the same? Can we? Will we still ‘fit in’?

What happens when we gain the knowledge that some of these hidden things are terrible things, some of them are heinous and evil, and we feel suddenly sickened, saddened and in despair?

Alternatively, what happens when these hidden things are an incredible part of our existence, so much so that they feel like family? And we have no one else with whom to share? How does one endure the overwhelming separation of feeling alone in the world, having this experience and this knowledge?

Because I believe that some number of the hidden is an element that is here to protect us, and to support us, without our knowing. These include unusual phenomena that are awe-inspiring (see How do You Think? and Unknown Ship Saves the Day – An Interesting Story of the Fireball in British Columbia), and these include the actual US military element (see A Salute to the Unacknowledged Heroes of the Hawaii Missile Incident).

There is an aspect of the deeply personal, of faith and trust, that also comes in to play here.

Bringing fun into the discussion is essential, in my view, under these circumstances. Fun stimulates love and fun encourages hope and assists us in bringing out our courage.

Andrea: I think my perception of the stork might be also related to this part of the discussion. For me the military industrial complex is very necessary in these times, I fully support what is going on in terms of keeping it strong and well funded.

And I think that their primary function best case scenario for the greater good, is about the protection of home, family and children particularly and especially.

If that is not what they are doing, my question would be why not, why is this not your top level focus?

I’m perfectly willing to support with my love and my focus and my life force energy my nation’s military apparatus.

But I want to know that they are concerned with human trafficking, and particularly how it harms children. I want to know that this is what the good guys there are doing. And if that is not what they are doing, then I want to know why.

So it’s interesting that I would perceive the stork aspect, and you perceive the geometrical form.

And yet the values and meanings are pretty similar.

Susan: Absolutely.


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Article Links and Notes:

1.) Many, many thank yous to Andrea Scully for this insightful interview and discussion. Andrea’s blog is Notes From the Center of the Spiral. She is the Executive Editor at, and is a co-owner at the Gaia Scene Forum where participants focus on having discussions in a 5D (fifth dimensional) approach and framework.

2.) You can read more about my visit to the Florida Space Coast at the article Photographing the Space Coast Sky.

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.