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Hidden Realms and Hidden Portals: An Interesting Story

Photographing Hidden Interdimensional Energies

I feel deeply honored to bring you this series of photographs, today.  I feel honored because these images are revealed by Earth – Gaia energy; the light in the photographs are engaged with Earth energies to reveal something that is usually hidden.

The images we are looking at, light filtering through and in front of these trees, show an interplay between Gaia’s interdimensional kingdoms and her natural kingdoms.

These photos technically don’t make sense, meaning the way the light shines shouldn’t be possible given the physical conditions. This is the case, in my view, because they show interdimensional phenomena and interdimensional beings too.

The light in these photos is being directed, and therefore appears where it’s shouldn’t be, out of alignment with the sun’s position in the sky.

Gaia, Hidden Realms, Hidden portal, interdimensional beings, interdimensional portal, realms of Gaia, the forest, redwood, redwoods, Hidden in the trees, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, Gaia, portal, interdimensional, galactic beings, LightWe will go through these interesting aspects of shadow and light.  But first, allow me to present to you these trees.

This group are ancient beings, the Redwoods, who are traditionally guardians of the Light, transmitters and receivers of Gaia’s energy, and supporters of the Earth’s energies.  I dearly love these trees, can you tell? Lol.

In these photos, between these trees and highlighted by a ray of light, you can see a portal to the inner realms.

Let me explain; the portal isn’t necessarily physically at this location. It is preserved in the photograph, and that is all a person with skills needs to connect with its portal energies.

The connection to the portal, though, was momentarily facilitated by the pure Earth energy present in this natural scene.

These phenomena can appear and disappear at will, although sometimes they are location specific.

This particular portal was being held open for the moment at this location (while I took the photograph) using a particular technology. I can clairvoyantly see the beings on the other side of the opening, projecting the portal using what appears to be a crystal technology. Isn’t that interesting?

The portal that was created at this moment has particular qualities and flair, only certain energies will be attracted to it, and only resonant energies will be allowed to connect to it, that’s according to the rules of interdimensional physics.

With portals both sides require to be resonant and in alignment to make the connection so to speak.

I know that some of you will be able to see this, and other things, too.

An Interesting Story: An Entrance to Hidden Realms

This first image (above) is a close up of the portal into the inner Earth realms.

The portal opening appears as a series of rings at it’s opening.  These rings can be seen because of the ray of light that happened to shine through the trees at this exact location.

The ray of light highlights the hidden rings.

I did not see this portal image until after I looked at the camera, sometime later.  I only knew that I was overwhelmed with a passion for taking these photos, in this place, in this moment.

How We Can Access Portals Meant For Us

As a note – it was explained to me, as I began writing this message,  that this portal is protected.  It’s energies are accessed via the heart frequencies; through entering and holding your own inner light, and viewing the portal from this place within you.

Yes, there are guardians of portals who take care of such things, as many of you know.

Usually this blog is about the sky and sun, about lightships and  cloudships, but today we get to honor the beauty of Gaia, and the kind of tree stand in which all sorts of nature spirits dwell.

Connecting With the Energy of the Planet

These special places in nature are the interdimensional home of nature spirits and certain elementals.  Pretty plant Devas, fairies, and all sorts of beautiful beings reside in these types of locations.  And, they are often a place where inner Earth beings can come to the surface of our planet, and visit, or make their presence known.

I have friends who are much more connected with the fairy realms and inner earth realms than I am.  It is a delight to be in their presence, because these realms come alive when they are around.  The whispers of the fairies and Devas are louder, the sounds of water are clearer, the colors of nature come alive, and excitement bubbles around me.  This is the native beauty of Gaia’s energies, fully alive for all who resonate with her power and presence.

This photo shows you the portal at the base of a group of gorgeous trees.  Notice how a ray of light reaches down to touch the Earth at the exact location of the entrance to the portal.

My sense is that this entrance was purposely highlighted in the image.  This is because, it is important for human beings to be able to see it, for themselves.

We hear talk about inner Earth, and we hear talk about the beings who live there.  But information about inner Earth is much more limited than it is about UFOs and other phenomena.

I have been blessed with coming into contact with physical inner Earth beings, but from a distance, only.  For whatever reason, I never been guided to talk with them.  But, I know that they are there, and they seem to know that I am.  We assiduously avoid each other, while knowing that we are there.  Now I’m laughing.

I guess that they are not part of my ‘assignment’, lol.  Well, actually, they are very helpful to me.  They remind me that these things are real.  Because, sometimes it is nice to have a physical reminder, is all.  And I guess that dropping a physical ship is a bit harder to do.  I’m guessing.

Now, in this second photo, above (or to the left), I can see a higher dimensional (non-physical) inner Earth being to the left of the portal entrance.  Wow, sensing this presence, I am feeling very emotional.  His energy is … constant… steady… aware… self possessed in way few human beings can accomplish.  Yes, that is it.  He is self possessed of an inner Light that is quite beautiful. I can sense him by entering my heart space, and allowing my vision to relax or shift (you can allow your peripheral vision to settle to the left of the portal entrance, also).

This third photo is truly stunning to me.  Take a closer look – you will see that the ray of light, highlighting the portal entrance, does not emit from the sun.

Look at the sun on the trees – it is clearly coming from off to the right and above in this photo.  You can see that the right side of the grove is bathed in sunlight, while the left side of the grove is much more shadowed.

The beam of light highlighting the portal comes from another source than the sun.

And, the beam of light does not shine through the tree stand.  It shines in front of the tree stand, like a spotlight would.

I truly feel that our galactic friends assisted in the creation of this photograph, and in shining this light beam from one of their ships in such a way that it would highlight the portal hidden in this tree grove.

Take another look at the second photo – you will see that this ‘spotlight’ shines from the upper left corner of the image to the ground in front of the trees.  It is simply, stunning.  This photograph was a team effort between our galactic family, our inner Earth family, the nature spirits, and me and you.

An Interdimensional Light Effect

There’s another possibility I thought of after writing about the ‘spotlight’ effect:

It’s possible that activating the portal from the other dimensional space, caused an interdimensional effect on the light between this dimension and the origination point in another dimension. That effect caused an apparent ‘curtain of light’ to shine through between the two dimensions linked by the portal. And this is what showed in the photo.

However, intuitively, it does feel like the spotlight also comes from above in the photo. So it’s possible that there is a combination of things going on in this event.

Is This Portal For You?

You as reader and viewer are so very important.  The entrance to such portals are not so easily revealed.  This portal is in my photos for a reason, and that is to be shown to you, specifically.  I feel blessed to be revealing this energy and connection.

It’s up to you to know how to connect with the energies present here. A portal requires agreement and alignment from both sides for a connection. May any connection, agreement, communication and interaction be in your highest good.

Places Where You Can Feel an Interdimensional Presence

The feeling in these photos reminds me so much of the feeling I get at Mount Shasta, sitting in the woods or a meadow, sensing the interdimensional beings around me that I cannot see, perhaps, feeling them there, a constant presence.

I have felt and perceived interesting characters there, who allowed me to perceive them, but to not approach. And, I have felt and perceived Soul family come close, and aligned hearts. It can be a blessing to perceive these presences from the physical world.

From my experience, when I approach such phenomena guided by the unconditional love in my heart, from a place of neutral or zero point energy, I’m spiritually guided about how to approach, what to do, what is safe for me, and I’m guided about what is in my highest good.

This is why developing discernment is so important. These practices of preparation allow us to have interesting adventures when we are well prepared to meet interdimensional beings.

The nature spirits, the inner Earth beings, and interdimensional beings present on Gaia await our return to our spiritual home in our hearts.  This is when they are able to make contact with us.

We are able to be with them, view them, engage and communicate when we are able to more richly engage; when we can be both loving and secure in our hearts and in our energy field at the same time.

Love, Solaris

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. Original publish date February 15, 2017. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.