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Disclosure: The Galactic Approach, Human Experiences, and Recent Mainstream ‘UFO’ Videos

Disclosure, UFO, Extraterrestrial, GalacticDisclosure Is a Personal Experience

In my view ‘Disclosure’, or the understanding that Earth has been visited by beings from other planets or places, has been occurring for years among the population, on the individual level.

While some of this disclosure, from the UFO side, has been on a broader scale such as large shows of UFO fleets over Washington D.C., or Phoenix, Arizona, I believe that much contact has occurred at a personal level.

So many people have UFO or extraterrestrial or galactic star family interactions and stories, on a personal and intimate level. Many people cherish these contacts and memories throughout their lifetimes.

Usually people keep these stories  to themselves, and share among just a few others if at all, but it has become more acceptable for people to share these stories more openly. I have talked to individuals from many walks of society who have had these experiences.

Why ‘Official’ UFO Videos Have Been ‘Ho Hum’ Among Our Population

This is why I feel that recent publication of ‘actual’ UFO video seems to be a non-event among regular people. I believe we will find that the general population has known about these activities all along, because we have been experiencing them in our personal history.

What these videos in major main stream media have done is make it okay to talk about UFOs as being ‘real’.

If you look at footage of phenomena when this occurs in real time, and you catch the early videos of these events before they are scrubbed off of YouTube, Twitter and so on, there is a common reaction among people that I have observed.  That is, people are excited, they are interested, they are filled with awe.

Even the pilot interviewed on many major media outlets said about these UFOs that he ‘wanted to fly one’.

Without overt reasons to be afraid, for most people in these initial videos of phenomena, curiosity and wonder are their primary expressions. This is our human nature, at our best, shining through.

Without being told what to think, or what to believe, about this phenomena, aside from the general main stream message which has been not to talk about it with others (or be labeled a conspiracy theorist), people are intrigued and interested – on a personal level.

Here is the Power of the Personal: It Takes Advantage of the ‘Rules’

I believe that a long term strategy of personal disclosure is in progress by extraterrestrial or galactic beings, or both, who play by ‘the Rules’ of engagement with our planet.

How is this a long term strategy, and how does this take advantage of playing by ‘the Rules’?

The Rules are the spiritual principles, or the divine principles, that all forces involved with Earth must ‘play by’ to be here. One of these is that the free will of humanity is honored.

A long term program of personal disclosures builds the consensus among human beings, and the wish within our hearts, to reunite with our star family – with extraterrestrials and galactic beings aligned with what is in the highest good of the human race.

One of the reasons for this feeling of familiarity and personal interest I believe, is that we experience what we are aligned with, within. What I am saying is if we have had a personal experience, in general it is highly likely that we have personal or Soul connections that we do not remember with the extraterrestrial or galactic races or UFOs we have encountered.

As the free will choices of humanity must be honored by dark and light forces as part of ‘the Rules’ of engagement with our planet, what I believe has been accomplished is to build a quiet consensus among the human population on Earth for Disclosure.

This is one of the reasons why, in my view, public disclosure has begun through a non-governmental group backed by former government insiders. I feel that the goal appears to be to take back the narrative about UFOs away from individual experiences, which are plentiful, and to create a new consensus view of them that serves prevailing interests.

There are always Plan B’s, and so this is one possibility of many. There has been much news about space in recent months, and it will be interesting to see what this bodes for UFO trends this year.

Suffice it to say, the free will of humanity will override whatever plans have been contrived for our population. This is a divine principle and it is high time that divine principles visibly prevail upon our planet in the highest good of all.

Love, Solaris


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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.