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Dark > Light: The Hidden Forces Behind Unconscionable Action

By December 19, 2019September 17th, 2020Analysis, Commentary, News, Human Energy Field, Sky Research

Source: C-Span, Congressional hearings on impeachment, Fall-Winter 2019. Lighting adjusted to highlight unusual eye pupil.

This is a blog about sky phenomena. But at Solaris Modalis we do then discuss interdimensional aliens and demons, possession of the Human Energy Field by such beings, and Humanity’s God-given right to make the free will choice to turn away from what we know to be right. These factors are the key topics we are discussing today and in my view are the hidden forces behind the meaning of ‘Dark to Light’.

What does ‘Dark to Light’ mean?

I believe that we all know that darkness is not actually stronger than or greater than Light. It simply cannot be, but it can appear that way for a moment. This is why illusion and deceit are tools utilized frequently by the ‘chaos crew’ of people who serve these forces. Walk into a dark room and turn on a light and you will see that darkness truly has exactly no power and no ability to withstand the Light.  

The only power darkness has is it’s ability to entice people to lend the darkness their free will. I’m clearly talking about the choices made in the heart of the human being, here.

We can facilitate the unfolding of actions aligned with the highest good by following our own inner guidance and taking action in the physical world. This includes voicing, even if this is within the self, what we do and do not consent to in our world.

Two things occurred today, Wednesday December 18, 2019, that caused me to understand the meaning of ‘Dark to Light’. The first was the impeachment by the House of Representatives, without legally sound evidence, of the President of the United States. The second was the presence, once again, of human beings sitting behind key speakers that exhibited the signs and presence of interdimensional entities in their energy fields.

Eyes rolled up can indicate the stepping forward of the shadow personality or of a possessing entity. Male and female images are from the Gateway Pundit blog gif video of Congressional hearing, July 2018. Unretouched photograph.

The Possession of Human Beings by Interdimensional Beings

I have been mulling over writing an article on this topic for months now, ever since I saw an obviously demonically possessed person, replete with eyes rolling back in his head, testifying before a Congressional committee hearing, with his energetic handler behind, her eyes turning to straight up and down slits for a shocking second.

The eyes rolling back to white are a common side that the ‘shadow personality’ is about to present, or that there is communication with a possessing entity in the moment. That’s not psychology, that is an observation I make from working with many, many people in sessions and observing their energy fields with stated permissions.

Unnatural eye shapes can indicate a potent possessing entity or an energetically close kinship. Male and female images are from a Gateway Pundit blog gif video of Congressional hearing, July 2018. Unretouched photograph.

This event was caught on video and I have seen it on Twitter, major blogs, and YouTube. A gif of this event can be seen in this Gateway Pundit article: Tell Us Something We Don’t Know: Christian Leader Franklin Graham Says There is “Demonic Origin” to Resistance to President Trump.

Of course, the information about these two people had to be distributed in this broad fashion because of the spiritual rules of this planet, and because of Divine Principles.

The Spiritual Rules Requiring Permissions

First, interdimensional beings, be they alien or demon, or angel or spiritual guides, cannot engage us without permission. This human-granted permission can be given in a conscious or unconscious state. Demons and aliens get us to give unconscious permissions through trickery, dark magic and illusion, while high angels and spiritual guides get unconscious permissions from  the Soul, where the human in the moment may not be aware of the details of what is happening (such as when a coincidence saves us from harm or we inexplicably survive something ‘against the odds’ with spiritual assistance).

Human beings can of course give permission consciously and they do for both activities of the light and of the darkness. This is one of the toughest things to accept; that is, it can be very difficult for a person to accept that there are other human beings who choose consciously to commit acts of darkness, to turn away from the Divine, and to do evil. Yet, even this is through the free will gift that God gave us.

The second most challenging concept to accept can be that these forces are present in each human being, and like the Bible story of Peter who denied knowing Christ, that we at times consciously and unconsciously deny the Divine within each of us, or we deny ourselves the opportunity to act in alignment with our perception of Divine will out of fear, from hiding, and so on.

Unconscious permissions means that we are shown the information but we do not acknowledge the truth of what we are seeing consciously, or we deny what we are seeing. Either way, seeing something, but not saying ‘No’, even within the space of our own hearts, counts as permissions within the spiritual rules.

This is why a video of this sort would be distributed widely. It is like broadcasting the following announcement: “This is who is working against you and for their own aims. Say nothing and take no action if you consent to what we are doing.” This is how unconscious permissions works against humans.

We are Greater Than We Know

If demons and aliens are running a show for us, or are crafting plans, they have to show us the truth because nothing happens on this planet without human permission, despite illusions presented to us on mass media that allude to the contrary.

We are naturally and organically born here on Earth into human bodies. The choice of what happens to us is by our own free will. In adopting this view, we take full self-responsibility for living our lives on this planet.  This full gift of free will and the personal responsibility it implies is the gift of the Creator to Humanity, and reflects the worthiness and value of each one of us.

This is how powerful we really are when the truth is known about our own potential. We have the potential, from within our human form, to claim our birthright as children of the Creator. This is what Jesus was alluding to when he said:

“…I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”  John 14:12

I believe that Jesus meant that when we align with God’s will for us within, a very personal matter that is between the individual and the most high God, or their own Soul, we become able to embody our Soul’s frequencies in such a way that we become powerful creators in our own right, when we are acting in alignment with Divine will as we can perceive it, and in the highest good of all.

What does this mean in the context of the events in this article? If we look at the television, or at a video on social media, and we see a demonically possessed human being, being enabled or directed by another possessed human being, we have the Divine right within us to say: I do not consent. Tell it to God. State it to yourself, or out loud. When we say this with the awareness that the spirit of the living God is within, these words have a power, when used in alignment with the highest good of all, that causes the very particles of the energy of the universe to rearrange in our favor; the favor we are blessed with through our relationship within.

The Theme of Dark to Light

This post overlaps with themes I write about frequently: Interdimensional beings, the Human Energy Field, Interdimensional Physics, Soul Connection and the Spiritual Rules of our Planet. It is my view that all is turned by the Creator of the Universe, in Divine timing, to our highest good.

What does dark to light mean? In my view it signifies interdimensional energy movement, or the movement of energy from a more dense state of being to a more expanded state of being. Another way of saying this is energy can move from dense states (darker states that hold less light) to more expanded states (lighter states of being more infused with Light). This is particularly true of sentient beings, and of their states of consciousness.

But events on Earth come back into alignment with the Divine plan because that is the simple kindness that the most high God bestows on us, and that is also simply how energy flows in the created dimensions and universe – it comes into balance

Watch the political hearings and look at the eyes of those involved. A Human Being embodying the Soul has round eyes. The appearance of slit eye pupils can be a sign of a potent possessing entity (or a close kinship) in the Human Energy Field. Other eye types present also. Original image is from C-Span.

The Presence of Interdimensional Beings on Earth and in the Human Energy Field

At the Solaris Modalis blog I discuss interdimensional entities, the ramifications of such beings on Earth, how to assess interdimensional entities, how they are perceived by human beings and how to safely interact with such beings and how to set boundaries with such beings. Why interact at all? Because interdimensional entities run the gamut from angels to demons, from the deepest darkness to the greatest Light, and from highly conscious entities to low consciousness also.

Some interdimensional entities are parasitic.

Those interdimensional entities that are from dense dimensions can and will attempt to invade the Human Energy Field. This is because at their core these beings are parasitic. They cannot survive on their own for various reasons, or they feel that they require a resource that human beings can provide.

Some interdimensional entities are Soul family and friends.

Not all interdimensional entities that are not angels or spiritual guides are negative. There is a broad array of types of beings, many of which might be considered as family to the human Soul. God’s creatures come in all shapes and sizes, and in all light spectrums.

Some possessing entities are also actually the primary consciousness of the individual.

Sometimes the person has given power over to the entity, but sometimes the entity actual becomes the human being so to speak. There appear to be spiritual agreements in place for this type of incarnation on this planet from what I can tell about this. I have met many people who fit this description who are fully functioning and contributing members of society.

Some possessing entities are ‘walk-ins’.

In these cases the original birth Soul has departed and the entity walks into the human being. These possessing entities can be positive or negative beings. Many consciously bring skills from wherever they resided in energy before walking into the human being.

Some possessing entities are highly Lighted beings.

The Higher Self of an individual can also descend into a human being, significantly raising the consciousness of the person in a kind of great awakening. A dark night of the Soul often precedes this activity.

When Our Responsibility Begins and Ends

Ultimately, we are responsible for our own actions. Does this mean taking responsibility for having a Soul, and choosing to align with the path of my Soul – that aspect of the Creator, within? For me it does mean doing this, to the best of my ability. Surely there are pitfalls along the way, and there are times of great gratitude, and there are times for laughing about how the world works in it’s way.

It’s my feeling that as we learn of the potential presence of entities that can engage us, we can claim back our power to say ‘No’ and clear these influences from our own energy fields when they are not good for us. I have written several articles explaining that Divine Law has our backs here, for we are embodied Souls, children of the Creator, and the body is the temple of the Soul.

It is important, though, not to only place blame on that which is outside of us and then give up the authority to take charge of our own lives.

For we are also called to claim back responsibility in daily living, to uncover where we have given away unconscious permissions and our own authority, and to choose where our action, inspired by Divine guidance, applies.

It is additionally the responsibility of some number of us to rise to the occasion, to rise to the fortunate timing of being alive at this moment in history, to awaken to the greatness that we truly are, of what we are capable of doing and being, and to act in this moment as prompted in your own way.

Divine Law says that our free will choices determine how it will be for us on this planet.

This gives us the keys, and puts us in the driver’s seat.

Don’t let the illusion of events convince you otherwise.

Because the other hidden force behind the action is you. You have the power to change things if it is simply watching television and consciously saying to yourself what you do and do not consent to.

By the grace of God we were put here at this time.

Enjoy this moment, act in this moment, knowing the Light always prevails, because it is All That Is.

Love, Solaris

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.