Photographing Hidden Interdimensional Energies I feel deeply honored to bring you this series of photographs, today. I feel honored because these images are revealed by Earth – Gaia energy; the light in the photographs are…
Do you resonate with higher dimensions, extraterrestrials, galactic lifetimes, UFOs? Those on the starseed journey have meetings, experiences, downloads.
Photographing Hidden Interdimensional Energies I feel deeply honored to bring you this series of photographs, today. I feel honored because these images are revealed by Earth – Gaia energy; the light in the photographs are…
A Perfect Rectangle Cloaking in the Sky I got out of my car to have lunch and looked up at a perfect rectangle surrounded by clouds in the sky. When I see this, what I…
Listening to people talk about their experiences seeing UFOs, and photographing sky phenomena myself, I’ve made a couple interesting observations I’d like to share with you. UFO Viewing Experiences and the Telepathic or Intuitive Link…
Yesterday I toured the area known as the ‘Space Coast’ on the eastern shores of Florida. We drove for miles visiting Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach and more. We looked from afar at where they launch…
Got this t-shirt in the NASA store in the C concourse terminal at Houston airport (Bush Intercontinental) today. If you are there you should definitely check them out. I walked in, saw this design, and…
Exigent Circumstances are Present in an Emergency Tonight as I was writing articles for the blog, the word ‘exigent’ popped into my awareness. As usually happens, I start with one article, it turns into pieces…
When I work with people, I can see interdimensional aspects of who they are, with their permission of course. This weekend was so fun, as I was working with many people at the San Francisco…
Finding Inspiration Looking at the Evening Sky * This evening I thought I thought I would go down down to the beach and look at the sky. * I stood at the edge of the…
It’s About Passion and Purpose Connecting with the stars and with my past lifetimes among the stars was always a way for me to find hope, and explore cutting edge experiences and theories. The situation…