Finding Inspiration Looking at the Evening Sky * This evening I thought I thought I would go down down to the beach and look at the sky. * I stood at the edge of the…
Finding Inspiration Looking at the Evening Sky * This evening I thought I thought I would go down down to the beach and look at the sky. * I stood at the edge of the…
Talking to the Stars * It’s late. At night. I’m talking to the stars. The stars move, I see them. And they seem to see me, also. * It’s late, at night. I am looking…
Dear Friends, I’m grateful to be here with you today. Recent weeks have been a roller coaster, haven’t they? And yet, the energies are refining, refining, what is inside, what matters most to us, personally…
It’s About Passion and Purpose Connecting with the stars and with my past lifetimes among the stars was always a way for me to find hope, and explore cutting edge experiences and theories. The situation…
I pulled in one of those uplifting breaths upon seeing the sky and water shine brightly purple, one evening this week. It’s one of those sights that ‘takes your breath away’. I used to think…
This article contains stunning photographs of a sunset one recent evening. I was stunned at the dark red color of the skies and the reflection of the setting sun on water. I’m sharing them to…
Discernment is Key to Meeting With An Extraterrestrial or Galactic Beings Are you ready to meet beings from another planet or dimension? In my view, having the ability to have discernment about 1) who we are…
How do we be our authentic self and express the gifts we bring? The Bridge to the Holy Grail Do you remember the character of Indiana Jones, from the same movie, as he looks down…
This article has moved to here: Solar Data: Stay With the Feelings.