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The Bird Drone (Plus Video): Not Every Bird That Flies is Alive

By September 26, 2019September 30th, 2019Analysis, Commentary, News, Sky Phenomena, Solaris Video

Bird drones Solaris Modalis SolarisModalisBird Drone Video Footage

We are living in a time where you can see a bird, but it is really a drone, rather than a living animal.

For some time I’ve been observing the presence of mechanical-seeming birds and thus determined that not every bird flying above us is alive.

(**See video and still images from video below.**)

Some are mechanical birds, or drones. There are varying tell tale signs of mechanization. These have been flying in my area for years, now.

In the video footage below it will be pretty obvious why I could tell this bird (to the left) is actually a drone.

Witnessing a Bird Drone Because I Look Up

I happened to be in the exact area the drone was flying and noticed it right away. My intuition said this was something unusual, so I took video.

Sometimes I’m amazed at the photos and video I’m able to get on camera. But, I feel that this is what happens, when we walk around and pay attention to our surroundings.

And we look up at the sky.

If many of us did this, I’m guessing that sights of sky phenomena would be commonplace, and that there would be many more people making observations of interesting things occurring in the world, and in the sky, and many more opinions about what these things may be.

The Bird Drone in Flight

The bird drone in the video (below) looks like a bird of prey. It is able to hover by flapping it’s wings.

It appears that this was a test flight of this particular bird drone, because it kept doing interesting maneuvers. But, maybe not. Maybe it was potentially searching for something, listening to something, or recording something.

When you see the way it is flying, you may agree that the drone is highly maneuverable.

What Are We Looking At?

As one person I showed this video to exclaimed: “What are we (the drone pilot) looking at??”

This person took the time to check out the entire video and still shots, then shook their head and told me a story of how Spirit (God’s light in the human being) guides them in their highest good.

Then they told me a story of how a regular shaped drone hovered over them while they were hiking and how angry it made them. So bird drones may be a way to deal with the issue that many regular people do not like to see drones from unknown parties in the air.

Privacy and Transparency and Law

Clearly the bird drone brings up issues of transparency and privacy. It doesn’t seem right that people are looking at a bird thinking it is wildlife but it is really a drone.

The issue with privacy and transparency, is that to have both a society also needs to have rule of law, meaning adherence to constitutional law here in the United States, equally and consistently applied to individuals and entities.

Bird, Bird drone, drones, drone, drone hovering, bird drone hovers, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Light Glints Off the Bird Drone.

Glints of Light – or Rather – a Light Shines, From the Drone

In the linked video, you will see repeated glints of light as the sun reflects off the bird body, as the wings flap at increasing speeds. During several seconds of hover, the light emitting appears to flicker rapidly (at 1:25 minute:seconds).

This was key evidence that the bird was a drone. It is the first bird where I’ve seen with light glinting and light flickering.

I did review the video with my friend Alex, who has owned birds for years, is a bird watcher and has a biology background, and we discounted that light would be shining off of a metal bird tag, given the location of the light (the head) and the duration of the light, and the fact that the light shines even as the bird turns.

Perhaps the bird drone is in beta and they didn’t fully cover the bird body with non-reflective materials. Or perhaps, the bird emits a light for some purpose. The light appears to flicker during a moment of very rapid hover (1:34), almost like a strobe.

Lights can be used for many things, from illumination to communication and more.

Bird, Bird drone, drones, drone, drone hovering, bird drone hovers, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Light Glints Off Bird Drone – With Contrast-Exposure Edits That Reveal the Light Clearly.

Second Bird Drone Can Be Seen at a Distance

There is also a second bird of the same type in the video that is further away from the camera. At one point (0:35 seconds) they hover at the same time. They break off of hover within about one second of each other.

So there appears to be two bird drones in the sky, one closer to the camera. They don’t appear to necessarily be flying in a ‘swarm’, but perhaps operated by two operators given that the hover doesn’t end at exactly the same time, but pretty close (about a second difference).

Video Link – Plus Time Stamp Descriptions

Check out the video – time stamps and action descriptions are below the video link.

Video Time Frames (minutes:seconds)

0:00 Bird drone is flying.

0:09 Pauses in flight. Hovers in place. Bird drone continually goes into hover through the video.

0:20 Dives towards crow. Crow turns around. Drone stops a few feet above ground and flies back upward.

0:35 Object appears at the left in the sky; this looks to be another bird drone given the way it is hovering. Both bird drones hover at the same time. They break hover within about one second of each other.

0:47 Second bird is out of sight for rest of video.

1:34 Drone hovers and ‘flashes’. It appears the sun is reflecting off of the drone or that the drone has a light flashing during hover. Almost a strobe effect. Flies with light on. Lighting edits seem to confirm this appears to be a light rather than a glint on metal.

1:42 Drops and hovers again. It can dive almost like a bird of prey.

1:48 Light turns off.

2:02 Hovers momentarily.

2:20 Flies out of sight.

2:37 Still shot of bird drone with light on.

2:39 Still shot with lighting edits that clearly show a light on the bird drone.

Love, Solaris


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Article and video © 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share on other blogs and websites as long as article text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. Originally published on September 26, 2019. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.