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Galactic Starships: How Do They Manifest the Ship and Beings?

Galactic Starships: How Are They Created and Do They Contain Physical Beings?

In this article and short video, I continue my discussion with my friend Alex Clark. We cover the following topics:

  • The composition of starships that appear to us as clouds in the sky
  • The concept of moving between dimensions
  • Whether galactic beings of higher dimensions have a body
  • How they can appear in a body form in lower dimensions
  • Alex correlates our discussion with human experiences

What are Higher Dimensional Starships Created From?

In many cases, the starship, or lightship, is the same vehicle as the consciousnesses of the beings on the ship. (They are the ship.)

What I mean, is that the beings who are on the ship, create the ship with their consciousness, and essentially, therefore, are the ship and all of it’s functioning.

The creation of the ship is a matter of their intention. The movement and functioning of components is a matter of their consciousness.

These starships appearing in our atmosphere may also be called lightships or cloud ships. One way they can appear in our skies is as distinct cloud forms.

Can Higher Frequency Galactic Beings Appear in a Body?

If they desire to manifest or create a body while on the ship, I feel that they can do that. They don’t have to do that, though.

I do think that they can downshift their frequency to a lower dimension than where they usually inhabit, where they would take a form.

Some galactics may even take a form that can appear physical to us. This does not mean that the galactic body form is actually third dimensional, though. It just appears to our eyes to be this way.

But, I feel that some galactic beings would take a form where we can perceive them. I feel that they would do this because of their desire and wish to interact with us, and to give us the experience of them in a way that is tangible and real to us. I feel that this involves appearing in a form that respects our dimensional state, which is physical.

However, if they are manifesting a body, coming from a very high frequency energetic state, this is probably more challenging. Some higher frequency energy beings and galactic beings many not wish to manifest physical bodies at all.

Some may not be able to out of lack of desire on their own part to even temporarily inhabit this dimension. For some of these beings, even the fifth dimensional or seventh dimensional states may be a much lower dimensional state than what they are used to inhabiting.

For some of these galactic beings, I feel that appearing on their ship so that humans can view the ship, in a form that humans would perceive as a form, is about sending their consciousness to a lower dimensional frequency, or point of view, from their original dimensional state of origin.

The question is, how much of their total ‘being-ness’ in energy needs to come with their consciousness?

How Humans Adjust to Different Dimensional States on Earth

Alex talks about how this concept of a galactic or higher dimensional being shifting dimensions is like the idea of a human being using a diving bell to be present at the bottom of the ocean.

A human being cannot exist at the bottom of the ocean. But, they can go in a constructed diving bell down to the depths of the ocean. They are not shifting their physical body. But, through the diving bell, they are preparing an environment that they can exist in.

Alex states, “if we cannot exist in a place, in our physical body, that place is essentially in a different dimension than us!” Alex is implying that even an environment like the bottom of the ocean, is essentially a different dimension. (Very cool!)

She explains, the gateways, the pathways, to human existence in a physical body in the third dimension are pressure, temperature, and the ability to uptake oxygen.

Somebody goes up into a rocket, for the physical body, what’s important is always temperature, pressure and the ability to uptake oxygen.

Moisture works in there too, but you can exist longer without it. Respiration is the most important thing for the biological cell; that is, oxygen. You have no air for a minute or a few and you’re dead. You do not drink for a couple of days and you are still going to be fine.

More to Come From This Interesting Discussion!

There is more to come from this very interesting discussion that I had with Alex on a beautiful summer day. I hope you are enjoying this series.

Love, Solaris

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.