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Aliens Represent A Lien Upon Property

By December 23, 2018June 5th, 2019Analysis, Commentary, News, UFO

The word alien has been used for decades to describe the operators of UFOs in our skies. But does this word really describe what we think it does? Or does it give us a clue to a core truth about the UFO phenomena?

The Truth Right in Front of Us: The Definition of A Lien

Part of my background is in strategy, and a key to developing strategy in my view, is to understand the essence of things. You must first understand the essence to develop an effective strategy regarding who or for what you are dealing with.

The exact word used to describe something gives us a look into the underlying meaning of it’s essence. Words will often reveal something about the nature of what you are dealing with. I look at words in many ways, including going to their etymology, and ultimately to their Latin definition in the root word.

Using these techniques to understand the word ‘alien’ as it relates to UFOs, wasn’t producing satisfactory results.

I finally figured out why I couldn’t get to the essence of the word ‘alien’ and then match that essence with military or governmental strategy.

The etymology of the word alien didn’t satisfy me. It also was intriguing that the word alien had ‘a lie’ in it. But still, I still couldn’t get a pulse for what the essence of what aliens and UFOs were about.

It was because of work I’d done in finance, combined with thinking through and reading through Catherine Austin Fitts and Mark Skidmore’s work on ‘the missing money’, that I suddenly realized that the world alien happens to also spell a lien.

I finally got it. I was perceiving an illusion. The word I needed to research wasn’t just alien. I needed to research the meaning of a lien.

Alien? Just Not Feelin’ It

I have mused over why the common word usage of ‘alien’ has been used to describe extraterrestrial and galactic visitors, for years.

The word alien itself implies not just a stranger, but has been colored with questioning the intent of the alien, not because of their different origins, but because of their military, economic, diplomatic or other allegiance to their place of origin.

Yet something hasn’t felt right to me about the use of the world alien to describe beings from another planet, and human interactions with them.

If the situation was real and true that off world beings were visiting us, is alien a word that would really be used?

If the situation involved treaties with other worlds or beings, wouldn’t we use more diplomatic language of honor and respect?

If the situation was defensive for our planet, wouldn’t we use military language reflecting the status of our opponent?

If the situation was friendly interaction with helpful off world beings, wouldn’t we use the language of embracing larger community?

If the situation was regarding trade with off world cultures, wouldn’t we use the language of business and commerce?

Maybe, truly, the situation isn’t about any of these.

An Alien: A Stranger Owing Allegiance

The Etymology Online dictionary reveals the common meaning of ‘alien’, according to current definition (i.e., stranger in a strange land) is the root of this word going back to the Middle Ages.

References for the use of this word to mean ‘from another planet’ didn’t occur until the 20th century; according to Etymology Online, this can be traced to 1920 and the film Algol: Tragedy of Power.

Even the Latin meanings of the word alien translate to similar meanings of strangeness and foreign birth. Interestingly, the Latin meaning stops there.

However, in English, the word includes the connotation of closeness with foreign heritage over the alien’s new land.

If we look at the etymology of ‘alien’ through the American Heritage Dictionary Into-European & Semitic Roots Appendices, we can see that the essence of the meaning of alien relates to owing allegiance to the alien’s originwhether that is economic, political, cultural, or otherwise.

Alien as A-lie-n

A Lie – Lots of Them

Conveniently, the word also spells ‘a lie’. But, what about the hanging ‘n’ that is left? N is the place holder. It tells us that something is missing.

Let’s go back to the definition of ‘n’ in math, physics and accounting. According to (sourced from with edits):

  1. Math: In a list of numbers that follow a pattern, “n” is a variable representing a specific number from an enumerated list of greater quantity.
  2. Physics: In an equation for standing waves ‘n’ is an integer symbolizing the harmonic number or number of antinodes. The equation evaluates the length of the string in terms of its wavelength.
  3. Accounting: In the equation for compound interest ‘n’ represents the number of periods of compounding in 1 year.

So in the usual definitions, n is essentially a quantity that needs to be notated.  Let’s ask the question: Related to the word alien presented as a-lie-n, what does the quantity represent?

I mean, are we talking about a lie related to a math problem, a physics problem or an accounting problem?

And how big (n) is this lie?

Turns out, we are looking at a lie related to an accounting issue. Oh how I wish it was about math or physics, that would have been more fun.

However, it is likely that in this accounting lie that the word a-lie-n describes, the number n is quite important, and significant, for our economy and for our society as a whole.

Aliens and UFOs: Are We Actually Talking About Liens?

Is talking about aliens really talking about liens? Lots of liens. How many? This is how many: An unknown variable ‘n’ amount of liens. Likely n represents a very big number of liens, or of lies about assets owed (in allegiance and in debt) to someone else.

We are attempting to source the essence of the meaning of the word alien as it relates to UFOs.  Now we are getting somewhere. Let’s first look at the common  usage in the dictionary for the word lien:

Webster’s dictionary defines a lien as:

  1. A charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty ordinarily arising by operation of law.
  2. The security interest created by a mortgage.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a lien as:

  1. A claim upon a part of another’s property that arises because of an unpaid debt related to that property and that operates as an encumbrance on the property until the debt is satisfied.
  2. The right to hold another’s property as security for a debt owed.

Wow. Suddenly combing the concept that missing money may have funded black projects such as advanced technologies and secret space programs is getting a whole lot more interesting.

The legal definition of a lien, according to upcounsel:

A lien is the right to retain the lawful possession of another person’s piece of property until the owner fulfills a legal duty to the person holding the property, such as the payment of lawful charges for work done on the property. A mortgage is a common lien.

The Legal Definition of Alien (as a Verb) Relates to Property

Now, let’s go back to the word alien.  It turns out that there is another less commonly known usage of alien, as a verb. According to Merriam Webster, the transitive verb alien means:

  1. alienate, estrange
  2. to transfer the title of (property)

Let’s also look at the meaning of the word alienate: (definitions by Merriam Webster):

1. To cause to be estranged, to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed. 

  • Solaris comment: i.e., You cannot use something that was formerly yours.

2. To convey or transfer (something, such as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law. 

  • Solaris comment: This method specifically gets around proper legal channels.

3. To cause to be withdrawn or diverted. 

  • Solaris comment: In other words, someone’s assets get withdrawn or diverted from used by another (in this case, unknown) party

Are Aliens Taking Over? They Already Did

What property has been alienated? From our previous discussion above, unknown quantity n assets have been alienated. To whom the assets were alienated we do not know.

But, in alignment with the definitions above, we can infer that:

  • There are assets – i.e., human created UFOs representing advanced technologies – that were ours (the people of the United States of America) that are estranged from public use.
  • The method of alienating the assets was not through proper legal channels but through an act of conveyance or transfer.
  • The assets were initially withdrawn from governmental use (this may have changed given the establishment of the US Space Force) and the assets have been diverted from public use.

The UFOs have been alienated to unknown parties. That means, the UFOs, in the form of our own advanced human technology, have had title transferred to some other party or persons.

This is why aliens operate UFOs. It’s because there is a transfer of title of property (alien, used as a verb), and this is a transfer of advanced technology that allows an unknown party – most likely some other humans – to operate and use the property.

Hey, let’s just check with the ultimate authority, Black’s Law Dictionary, to be sure. For goodness’ sakes, look at how Black’s defines alienate, which by the way is apparently interchangeable with the word alien:

  • To convey; to transfer the title to property. Co. Litt. 1186. Alien is very commonly used in the same sense.

Does A Lien Operate a UFO?

There is a duplicitous circumstance here that also needs to be referenced: the word alien also can be read as a lien.

However, if UFO assets were purloined for use by forces of darkness (through human beings), then we would expect no less than duplicity.

Let’s look at Blacks’ Law Dictionary definition of a lien:

  • “A qualified right of property which a creditor has in or over specific property of his debtor, as security for the debt or charge or for performance of some act.”

An additional important note from Blacks is the following:

  • “A lien is a charge imposed upon specific property, by which it is made security for the performance of an act.”

So the key difference here is that when property is alienate (or alien) there is a transfer of title through an act. When property is under a lien title is not transferred but a creditor has a right over that property.

In either case, the property is encumbered from full, transparent and legal use by it’s original owner.

If the holder of the transferred property title or encumbered assets is lying to the original owners, say if the owners (i.e., the American people), never knew they owned the assets in the first place, well that is the icing on the cake.

It’s the Aliens!!

So here we are. I have previously surmised that metal UFOs actually represent human advanced technologies.

We can now project that the use of the word alien to describe the operators of UFOs was a reference to their legal status as either:

  1. Alienated assets with their title transferred from the original owners (the American people) to some other corporation or human beings, or
  2. Assets with a lien, i.e., encumbered by a creditor representing some other corporation or human beings with a right over these assets.

Yes, I am saying that we are at the stunning effect of both deception and word games played by creditors or unlawful operators of our own assets (the American people’s advanced technologies).

I was playing around with the wording to see if there is a simple way to show this, so bear with me here as we look at the words revealing the truth of what was in front of us all along:

  • A UFO represents an advanced technology asset with a lien.
  • A UFO is operated through the use of a lien
  • i.e., a lien operates a UFO
  • QED: It’s the aliens!
  • Or, UFOs are operated by creditors through the clever use of liens on human advanced technology.


  • Advanced human technology was alienated (title transferred), or aliened, to parties that are not the original owners (perhaps transferred from governmental operation to private parties and/or rogue operators).
  • UFOs operate due to aliens (assignments of title).
  • QED: Aliens operate UFOs!!
  • Or, UFOs are flown through the clever use of aliens of property by non-governmental private parties and/or rogue operators.

This is why I wrote the article Space Force: Has a Truce Allowed Use of Assets Previously Restricted or Encumbered? I feel that developments since the inauguration of President Trump have shifted the winds as relates to the UFO area.

The announcement of the Space Force may reflect a changed situation whereby assets previously encumbered, or with title transferred, have been clawed back by their rightful owners, the people of the United States of America, represented by the elected government under President Donald J. Trump.


Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: The Original Authors of the Missing Money and Breakaway Civilization Themes

The conclusions I’ve reached wouldn’t have been possible without the work of Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Mark Skidmore who have documented $21 trillion in accounting adjustments at two departments of the United States government.

In addition, Richard Dolan developed and popularized the breakaway civilization theory of hidden assets in use in secret space programs.

The key questions about ‘the missing money’ are: What do those accounting adjustments relate to and where was it sourced from?

The core thesis of the missing money work by Fitts is that these trillions of dollars potentially missing from government budgets may have been used to finance innumerable assets in the form of advanced technologies and secret space programs.

These projects, collected and operated together in secrecy, in the past formed a kind of breakaway civilization, stealing trillions of dollars from the American economy, in a huge secret financing operation.

Yes it was the aliens, all along.

Love, Solaris


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© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.