I just got home from my first UFO conference, and I am feeling grateful.
All of those stories I told myself over the years. My inner world. People are interested. What I have learned really helps people when they hear my information and what I have to share.
The deep feelings this brings up are many, many. I found people with shared experiences and people who ‘get me’. I found I seemed to know everyone without having ever met almost any of them.
People are looking for answers, and I have spent a lot of time developing a skill set where I did not know if it was going to be able to be used on this planet in my lifetime, if at all, when I started this.
I fell into it by accident and yet by complete and perfect design. I thought what I understand would be shared far into the future. And that future has come more quickly than I ever thought possible.
Thank you, tribe, for meeting me here. You get me, and I see you. And for this, I am grateful.
Love, Solaris
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