What’s a Session Like – Juicy Details

Here are some extra details – I hope you find this helpful and look forward to hearing from you.

I’d love to do a session with you.  Sessions are deeply personal.  Sessions are very specific to you – each one is tailored to what suits your highest good as an individual.

What’s a session like?


Sessions can be 45 minutes to an hour, 1 1/2 to 2 hours, while some choose a half day intensive of 3 1/2 hours. Shorter times are available for existing clients for question and follow up.

A session is 45 minutes at $120. If you choose to do more time, I simply prorate based on how much time you desire. If we haven’t met, I have a 20 minutes introductory meet session so that you can get to know me and I can get to know you, and you can see if you wish to work with me. The charge is $40 for this session.  If you choose to move into the full session after 20 minutes, then there is no fee for the intro, just the full session fee is charged (and the extra 20 minutes intro portion becomes ‘bonus’ time). If I feel I cannot be of service, then there is no charge for the introductory meet.  I take credit cards for payment or can accept payment through PayPal.


Sessions are meant to support you living your life in alignment with your highest good and highest outcomes. Each session is customized to your individual questions, Soul path, and to your stated outcomes and desires.

I conduct personal consulting sessions using my clairvoyant and intuitive abilities, knowledge of quantum physics and spiritual and Divine principles, and my business advice, analysis and consulting background.

Energy Parameters for Sessions

These are the energy parameters and intentions that I set in working with you:

  • Working with your guides of the Highest Light, and your Higher Self.
  • Working with my guides of the Highest Light, and my Higher Self.
  • Working with Archangel Michael (St. Michael); Michael is the Archangel of security, protection and Divine Will.
  • In your Highest Good and in my Highest Good; in the Highest Good of all.
  • Through unconditional love.

Your permission is very important and I will ask your permission before we undertake every new aspect of the session.


What is in a Session?

Sessions are customized to your individual needs.  Here is what sessions may involve:

Intuitive reading

  • Based on questions you may have.
  • Observations and information from spiritual guidance.
  • Teaching from quantum physics based tool sets.
  • A reading is included in energy work sessions.

Past life or past events from the current lifetime

  • A description of a past life or lives that specifically relate to your mission on Earth now.
  • A discussion of how events of a past life relates to and supports you now; how these explain events in the present day, walking through transmutation of past life energies.
  • Present day skill sets derived from past lifetimes and experiences.
  • Addressing earlier events in the current life that one cannot remember.
  • Reconnecting with the inner child.

Energy working 

  • Releasing energies that no longer serve you.
  • Energizing heart based and Soul connected personal energy grids.
  • Upshifting to your golden energy grids to support your fifth dimensional energetic state.
  • Grounding your energy to your human body and your human body to Earth.
  • Grounding your Soul’s frequencies within your Human body.

Personalized Meditations

  • To support your energy.
  • To create the energetic state of being that you wish to embody.

Intuitive Business – Work session

  • Intuitive insights, guidance on interpersonal energies, support and creation of strategies.
  • Backed by quantum physics tool sets & deep business background.
  • Inquire for rates for business projects.
  • Analysis of energy inventions and of energy flows and patterns from energy devices.

Bi-Location to a Past Life Event or to a Past Event in the Current Lifetime

  • As you describe or as you give permission for me to see what you wish to focus on, I may be able to bi-locate to the past and assist ‘the you’ in that space time through the issue at hand.
  • If you are an advanced energy worker, I will assist you to help yourself by accessing your lightbody self.

Teaching and Training

  • I teach and mentor about sacred geometries, quantum physics, metaphysical Earth and human history.
  • On a personal level, I mentor and walk you through how to embody your Soul path and how to achieve your hopes and dreams.

Sessions often will include drawings or presentations, homework, personalized meditation suggestions and / or energy practices.

Choosing a Session Mode

Sessions can be done in person (if you are in the San Francisco Bay Area), by phone, on Skype, or by FaceTime (iPhone).

These sessions are deep, intensive, and support your personal growth and change.  People I work with in these intensive sessions have experienced significant shifts in their lives and personal transformation supporting their Soul path and life’s journey.

Working with You and Your Energy Field

If it comes up that this will benefit you in the session, then I will talk through what I’m being shown is possible, and then I will ask your permission to see if you want to proceed.  If you give permission we will proceed.  In general, I do not go into your energy field, but I am reading the “windscreen” of your field, in alignment with the energy parameters listed above, during your session.

Doing work with your energy field would come up for example if we were doing releasing of old energetic ‘detritus’ from your field, or if I am working (with your personal guides) with your golden grids (the 5th dimensional and higher dimensional gridwork of your toroidal energy field).

In special cases, we may do energy work together in alignment with the Highest Good.  If you are an advanced energy worker, prayer warrior or lightworker of mastery level, we may do the work together for the past life time period involved, or we may do energy work together for the species involved, for the related aspect of the Human experience, or for the land involved.  We would do the work as guided under the energy parameters listed above and with your permission.

Thank you for your interest in Susan aka Solaris Modalis personal consulting sessions.


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    Most sessions are on Skype, I can send you a link to connect once we set the appointment.

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    All times are Pacific time USA

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am, 1 or 2pm, or 6 or 7pm

    Saturday 10am

    Sunday 6pm

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