Todays Sun June 30 2018 4:32pm Pacific Time

Today the weather changed, getting colder as the wind blew in. The high heat in the Central Valley pulls in the cool ocean air. The resulting wind can fan the start of fires, if there is a starting mechanism. It’s a time to be pretty careful in this part of California, because a small and thoughtless spark can create a raging fire that burns thousands of acres, homes and more.

Unkind and cruel intention and action can create the same result.

In these circumstances of energy, I look to the inner sun in my heart and let my inner Light glow. It’s what I can do – I can love the land, I can love the people and I can send out the energy of caring in doing so.

Love changes thing, and love has the power to transform. Love doesn’t mean that transformation won’t be painful, love doesn’t mean that transformation won’t be uncomfortable.

But what love does do is salve the process; adding love means that the transformation works towards our highest outcomes and in our highest good.

Trust the inner light – trust the inner plan.

My view is that changing the world, starts from within. My view is that changing the world is a metaphor for changing our own selves.

Let your discernment be your guide – you’ve got this.

sun, todayssun, solaris modalis, SolarisModalis, solar, solaris

If you’d like to read more about the current energies – please check out this posting going into spiritual approach and more details:

Staying Centered in My Heart While Assessing the Changing Energies

Love, Solaris


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